- underground pressure disaster 矿压灾害
- Ground pressure disaster occupies a predominent proportion in mine casualty accidents. 地压灾害在矿山伤亡事故中占绝对比重。
- Underground pressure and timbering technology in laneway construction in soft rock mass is one of the complicated technical problems. 软岩巷道地压与支护技术是地下工程施工中复杂的技术难题。
- Underground pressure mostly acts upon the mining accesses and connections when sublevel caving without sill-pillar is used. 无底柱分段崩落法采场地压主要表现在采矿进路及其联络巷道中。
- Rock-bursting is a special underground pressure behavior in deep mining in China currently and it intimidates seriously the safe mining. 冲击矿压是当前我国煤矿深部开采出现的一种特殊的矿山压力现象,它严重威胁井下安全生产。
- According to the underground pressure theory, which takes stratum movement as key matter, the nonelastic area occurs in coal body under the action of underground pressure. 根据“以岩层运动为中心”的矿山压力理论,煤体在矿山压力作用下将出现非弹性区。
- Taken Xinhe Colliery 3101 workface as the concrete condition, phenomenon law of underground pressure in great-inclined thick coal seam mechanized top coal caving is studied. 本文以新河煤矿3101工作面为具体条件,研究了大倾角厚煤层综放开采矿压显现规律。
- Controlling roof accidents and preventing the occurrence of bursting underground pressure are the priorities and difficulties to mine deeper isolated pillar face. 控制顶板事故,防范冲击矿压的发生是开采埋深较大的孤岛煤柱工作面的重点和难点。
- In order to study the dip strata displacement and side abutment phenomenon law in incline fully mechanized coal face we observed phenomenon of underground pressure in co. 为了研究倾斜综放采场倾向岩层运动与侧向支承压力显现规律,布置了覆岩破坏测区和侧向支承压力测区。
- To use relaxed slot to maintain roadway passed by working face is to control hostrock deformation and reduce the influence of underground pressure on roadways. 应用卸压槽维护被跨采巷道,是采用人为卸压的方法控制围岩变形,缓解矿山压力对巷道的影响。
- Through simulation test of similar materials,the distribution of deformation failure and underground pressure with high angle faults of different dip direction are analyzed during coal mining operation. 通过相似模拟试验方法分析了不同倾向高角度正断层 ,在采动影响下顶板岩体变形破坏和矿压分布规律。
- The kinetic energy rebeasing and destructiveness of cave-in mine tremor is the key to the research on systematical earth pressure disasters. 冒落矿震触发系统地压灾害是一个静 动 静耦合作用的过程 ,其中冒落矿震动能释放的大小及其破坏过程的研究是整个研究的关键。
- underground pressure observation 矿压观测
- underground pressure characteristics 矿压特征
- underground pressure of large scale roof fall 顶板冲击地压
- Recently they have laid an underground pipeline. 最近他们铺设了一条地下管道。
- The missile is delivered from underground. 这种导弹由地下发射。
- They were suspected of underground activities. 他们被怀疑进行地下活动。
- Moles stay underground most of the time. 钱鼠大部分时间住在地下。
- He went underground to avoid capture. 他转入秘密工作以免被捕。