- underfloor heating cable 地板下供暖电缆
- It's applicable to underfloor heating project. 适用于地板辐射采暖工程;
- SHARNDY underfloor heating mats is a good heating ystem, it ... 宁波海曙想的卫浴有限公司>>类别:电热线浙江省-宁波市2008-09-0307:49
- Technical staff of Wirsbo. Underfloor Heating Takes a New Life in the United Kingdom. The Heating and Ventilating Engineer Volume 58. 杨魏;张于峰;等.;低温地板辐射供暖的传热模型
- Now this technology is becoming a household necessity and rings the comfort of underfloor heating to kitchens, conservatories, bathrooms..... even ballrooms. 如今这项技术已经进入每个家庭的厨房、储藏室、卧室和卫生间。
- Bigger section area of three phase heating cable can broaden heat transmitting area and thisincreases the transmitting efficiency. 三相带截面大,传热导面积大,能提高传输效率。
- This unit consists ofelectric powerunit which changes from triphase into single-phase, heating cable, hollow rod and accessories. 这套装置由三相变单相供电装置、加热电缆、空心抽油杆和附件构成。
- When constant wattager electric heating cable is installed,intercrossing and overlapping is not allowed to avoid overheating.Otherwise use life will be impacted. 恒功率电热带安装时不允许交叉、叠绕,以避免过热,影响产品使用寿命。
- MICC sells its MI heating cable, MI wiring cable and measuring cable in over 10 countries and regions such as in Europe, America and Asia, winning a great reputation. 在海外,我们的MI矿物绝缘加热电缆、防火电缆、测温电缆得到了许多好评,产品正源源不断地出口到欧洲、美洲、亚洲等国家和地区。
- Basingon the building energy conservation demands of our country, the thesis analyzes the economical peculiarity ofadopting heating cable of the area, and proves its feasibility. 本文根据国家节能要求,分析了该地区利用发热电缆地板采暖的经济性,论证了其可行性。
- Uponor Underfloor heating at Shanghai German Center 上海德国中心
- Uponor Underfloor heating at Triumphal palace 中环凯旋宫
- underfloor heating switches and 24 hours elevator. 采光和风景极好,24小时电梯、可视电话系统。
- It is showed that heat deformation temperature is same as working temperature of cable; Vicat softening point is close to the switch temperature. Based on the observations, HDPE was choose to be the matrix of self-regulating heating cable. 认为材料的四川大学硕士学位论文:高密度聚乙烯/炭黑复合导电材料及制品的研究热变形温度与自控温伴热带的工作发热温度接近,维卡软化温度与制品开关温度相当,并由此确立了以HDPE为基体材料来开发80℃发热等级自控温伴热带。
- Uponor Underfloor heating at Shanghai Orient Art Center 上海东方艺术中心
- Stability analysis of self-controlled heating cable 自控温加热电缆稳定性的分析
- Methods of Underfloor Heating System with Phase Chang Materiel 利用相变蓄热材料进行地板辐射采暖的方法
- - the principle of underfloor heating is exactly the same. 我们的地热取暖原理和它相同。
- Three phase parallel connection heating cables are suitable forthethermal insulation of pipes with big diameters, pipe lines in nets and tanks. 三相并联带一般适用于大管径,管网系统管线和罐体的伴热保温。
- Besides above characteristics,marine electric heat cables have better properties of mechanical intensity,inflaming retarding,oil resistance,heat resistance and germproof. 船用电热带除有加强型并联带全部特性外,还具有更好的机械强度、阻燃性、耐油、耐热性和防霉菌生长。