- The prince fell under the spell of her beauty. 王子被她的美貌所迷住。
- Numerous men fell under the spell of her beauty. 无数男人为她的美貌倾倒。
- Your son is under the spell of witches! 大伯,你儿子在巫婆的符咒之下!
- I fell under the spell of the music. 那音乐令我如痴如醉般地着迷。
- My daughter is completely under the spell of this man she met on holiday. 我女儿完全被她在度假时遇到的男子迷住了。
- Her face flushed with anger under the cross fire of her parents. 她在父母的交相指责下,气得满脸通红。
- And, still under the spell of imaginary voice, his gaze wandered up and down to detect its owner. 他仍然被那想象的声音所左右,他的目光上上下下的找着那发出声音的人。
- Experience a day here and watch as you fall under the spell of this unusual place and the hospitality of the Bulgarian people. 在这里尽情的游历观赏吧,你会为这个独特的地方的魅力蛊惑,为保加利亚人的热情所融化。
- By studying the early works of Titian, it is evident he was under the spell of Giorgione, with whom he had a close relationship. 藉由研究提香早期的画作,很明显地他在吉奥乔尼的门下有一段时间,吉奥乔尼是与他有相当密切的关系的人。
- He meant to be a doctor, with a sideline in playing jazz saxophone, but fell under the spell of a pipe-smoking botany teacher, and that was that. 他曾打算成为一个医生,副业是演奏爵士萨克斯,但是却归入叼着烟斗的植物学教师行列,也算是达成所愿了。
- Even at an early age he came under the spell of Christ and professed to have experienced the special favour of John the Baptist, Christ, and St. 甚至在早年,他也被基督迷住,公开声称体验过施洗约翰、耶稣基督和圣保罗特别的爱。
- But with the Doc under the spell of the charming Clara Clayton, it's up to Marty to get them out of the wild west and back to the future. 面对此惊人消息,马提急急踏上时光旅程,回到1885年的美国西部。
- She has been under the domination of her father since childhood. 她自孩提时代起一直受父亲控制。
- George Harrison fell under the spell of Indian music in the mid-1960s and let this influence his contributions to Beatles albums, sometimes replacing his guitar with an Indian sitar. 20世纪60年代中期,乔治·哈里森被印度音乐迷住并且让这种迷恋影响了他对甲壳虫乐队唱片集的贡献,有时候他会用印度锡塔琴来代替他的吉它。
- She grew up under the care of her parents. 她在父母的关怀下成长了起来。
- She worked very diligently under the direction of her aunt. 在她姨妈的指挥下,他非常勤快地做着活。
- Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。
- A very nice set of glasses came under the hammer yesterday. 昨天拍卖了一套很精致的玻璃杯。
- He did it under the acquiescence of his boss. 他是在上司的默许下做这件事的。
- He deceived them under the veil of charity. 他借慈善事业为名欺骗了他们。