- Under the leadership of Epicurus. 选择:根据领导者的名字直接命名。
- Many valiant generals served under the leadership of the marshal. 元帅手下有许多骁将。
- We are living a happy life under the leadership of the party. 在党的领导下,我们过着幸福生活。
- Under the leadership of the Party, we are living a happy life. 在党的领导下,我们过着幸福的生活。
- They returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Joshua. 他们在所罗巴伯和约书亚的领导下回国。
- We are building socialism under the leadership of the Party. 在党的领导下我们正在建设社会主义。
- The business prospered under the leadership of the new president. 在新任总裁的领导下生意兴旺。
- Under the leadership of our party, we'll achieve our ambitions. 在共产党的领导下,我们将实现我们的远大抱负。
- Team and Team Feng, a host of start under the leadership of PK. 中英文对照:队和凤队,各在一名主持人的带领下展开PK。
- The repression continues under the leadership of raul castro. 在卡斯楚的领导下,镇压仍持续进行著。
- Only under the leadership of the proletariat can they achieve their liberation. 这些小资产阶级也只有在无产阶级领导之下,才能得到解放。
- The company is running in the black under the leadership of the new president. 那家公司在新董事长领导之下正在赚钱。
- Under the leadership of the Party, we are marching from victory to victory. 在党的领导下,我们正从胜利走向胜利。
- And what we favour is great democracy under the leadership of the proletariat. 我们爱好的是无产阶级领导下的大民主。
- Education in Arkansas improved under the leadership of Governor Clinton. 在克林顿任州长期间,阿肯色州的教育得到很大改善。
- We'll work energetically for socialism under the leadership of the Party. 我们要在党的领导下大干社会主义。
- Under the leadership of the Party, the peasants are living a happy life. 在党的领导下,现在农民们过着幸福的生活。
- It will be a new experiment under the leadership of the proletariate. 它将是在无产阶级领导下的新实验。
- CSC has developed rapidly with amazing speed under the leadership of Mr.Li. 在厉先生的领导下,招行信用卡中心客服部迅速发展壮大。
- Sure .Although it is backward now, under the leadership of our Party. 那当然,尽管中国现在还落后,但在我们党的领导下,