- In the face of such irrefutable facts, he was struck dumb. 在这样确凿的事实面前,他惊得哑口无言。
- His skill is undeniable but he works too slowly. 他的技术确实是优秀的,但他工作得太慢了。
- This was really irrefutable evidence. 这真是一个颠扑不破的实例。
- They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts. 他们在无可否认的事实后面固守着自己。
- But age is the most irrefutable thing in the lives. 我一直在组织会议、参加顾问委员会、领导小组讨论以及在过去几个月里给同行提供很多免费的指导。
- Hearn had poise. That was undeniable. 候恩倒真沉得住气,没有什么说的。
- His charm is undeniable, but I still mistrust him. 他有魅力无庸置疑,但我仍对他没有信心。
- The fact of dissatisfaction is undeniable. 事实虽令人不满,但却无可争辩。
- His charm is undeniable,but I still mistrust him. 他有魅力无庸置疑,但我仍对他没有信心。
- The benefits of technology are undeniable. 技术的好处不容否认。
- They failed that test. By this standard, the standard of this operative paragraph, I believe that Iraq is now in further material breach of its obligations. I believe this conclusion is irrefutable and undeniable. 伊拉克未能经受考验,根据第四章的规定,伊拉克对其义务已构成重大违反,我深信结论是不容置疑的。
- "It's undeniable that progress is being made. 无可否认这个过程已经在进行。
- A penitent's prayer is an undeniable ambassador. 一个忏悔者的祷告是令人无法拒绝的使者。
- All these are undeniable (or indisputable) facts. 这些都是无可讳言的事实。
- Hearn had poise. That was undeniable . 候恩倒真沉得住气,没有什么说的。
- But two-digit growth is undeniable. 但两位数的涨幅是不可否认的。
- They failed that test. By this standard,the standard of this operative paragraph,I believe that Iraq is now in further material breach of its obligations. I believe this conclusion is irrefutable and undeniable. 伊拉克未能经受考验,根据第四章的规定,伊拉克对其义务已构成重大违反,我深信结论是不容置疑的。
- Only truth that is tested by practice is irrefutable. 只有经过实践检验的真理才是颠扑不破的。
- In the face of such irrefutable facts,he was struck dumb. 在这样确凿的事实面前,他惊得哑口无言。
- What was undeniable was the wide appeal of this popular humour. 无可否认的是这种大众幽默非常受人欢迎。