- uncurled my fists. 松开我的拳头
- Clench one's teeth;clenched my fists in anger. 咬紧牙关;愤怒地握紧我的拳头
- I became indignant, clenching my fists in a rage. 我抡起拳头,气得直打哆嗦。
- My fist name is Robert,just call me Bob. 我叫罗伯特,就叫我鲍勃好了。
- I hit him with my fist and hurt my knuckles. 我用拳头打他,我的指关节打痛了。
- My fist name is Robert, just call me Bob. 我叫罗伯特,就叫我鲍勃好了。
- This product is also my fist Products unit. 此产品也是我单位的拳头产品。
- You can imagine me shaking my fist at the screen. 你可以想象我摇摇我的拳头在屏幕上。
- As I slowly uncurl my fingers, he bends to look at the butterfly in my hand. 我慢慢展开蜷曲的手指,他弯身看我手心中那只蝴蝶。
- He gave me a severe blos before I could put up my fists. 我还没来得及举起拳头他就给了我重重的一击。
- As I slowly uncurl my fingers, he bends to look at the pea-size moth paralyzed with fear in the center of my hand. 我慢慢展开蜷曲的手指,让他弯身察看我手心中那只如豆般大、恐惧无力的蛾。
- Or I'll take my fist and ram it down your sassy throat! 再说我就动拳头让你尝尝我的厉害!
- It is not my fist, but your past sins that will kill you... 这不是我的拳造成的;而是你过去罪孽深重;自取灭亡...
- You gonna see my fist if you don't quit eyeballing me. 你再这样看我,我就让你尝尝我拳头的滋味。
- Consequently I stuck to him and pounded him with my fists a considerable time. 于是我便不放松他,拿我的两只拳头把他着实地打了一顿。
- When she had gone I began to walk up and down the room, clenching my fists. 她走后,我在屋里踱来踱去,紧攥着拳头。
- I hurried on, suppressing a savage urge to push my fist through the pane. 我按捺住要伸手砸掉橱窗的强烈的冲动,匆匆往前走去。
- I clenched my fist and hit him. 我攥紧拳头向他击去。
- He knocked the table over and then ran out of the room,leaving me shaking my fists at the closed door. 他打翻了桌子便跑出门外,剩下我一人对紧闭的房门挥舞双拳。
- Nothing, because he drove off. Good for him: I was angry and felt like doing a number on his face with my fists. 撞了就开走了?那太不象话了。这种人真是该揍他一顿。不过像你这样软棉棉的手,受伤的可能是你的手,而不是他的脸。