- The uncommitted nations want to see before they choose. 在做出选择前,中立国家会首先观望。
- I am still uncommitted to undertaking the work. 我还没有说定要接受这份工作。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。
- Australia is an English speaking nation. 澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。
- Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones. 大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。
- He succeeded in arousing the nation's sympathy. 他已经激发了全民的同情。
- Our nation's manhood died on the battlefield. 我国的男儿已战死疆场。
- Some workers remain uncommitted to the project. 有些工人仍未对该计画做出承诺.
- In doing so, he did a great service to the nation. 通过这样做,他给国家做了一件大好事。
- Don't make a commitment to the uncommitted. 不要轻率地对未做承诺的男人做出承诺。
- The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war. 国家征召所有壮丁参战。
- That socialistic nation pay homage to the previous premier. 那个社会主义国家向前任首相表达敬意。
- She will join the club later, but at the moment wants to remain uncommitted. 她迟些将加入俱乐部,但目前仍想保持自由。
- It is our nation's mortification. 这是我们国家的耻辱。
- He is accredit to the united nation. 他被任命为联合国大使。
- Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相。
- Is it possible to unify such scattered islands into a nation? 有可能把这样一些散落在大海上的岛屿统一成一个国家吗?
- Class differences can divide a nation. 阶级差异会造成国家的分裂。
- I'm uncommitted tonight. Shall we go for a drink ? 今晚我有空,我们去喝一杯好吗 ?