- Jewels? Unclaimed properties of a valuable nature? 珠宝?或是一些无人认领的贵重物品?
- Unclaimed property or unclaimed baggage will be sold by auction after six months. 无人领取的财物或行李将在6个月后予以拍卖。
- On the government side, we cover all types of seized, surplus, and unclaimed property. 企业简介: We are a company dealing with Government and Non-Government Auctions.
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- after which it will be subject to applicable state laws regarding escheat of unclaimed property. 在那之后;关于不明所有主财产的归还问题以相应国家法律为准.
- The courts ordered the seizure of all her property. 法院下令查封她所有的财产。
- She possessed herself of the unclaimed goods. 她把那些没人认领的货物占为己有
- She has a right to the property. 他享有这比财产权所有权。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- The stolen property must be restored to its owner. 赃物必须物归原主。
- He gave full particulars of the stolen property. 他详细列出全部被盗的财物。
- He should not trespass on his uncle's property. 他不应侵占他叔叔的产业。
- He has a property in the West Country. 他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产。
- The property belongs to her as of right. 这财产按理说是属于她的。
- Their financial problems are public property now. 他们在经济上出现的问题现已尽人皆知了。
- This company leases out property. 这个公司出租房地产。
- He delivered over the property to his son. 他把该份财产的产权移交给儿子。
- Property brings duties and responsibilities. 有了财产也就有了义务和责任。
- He have a good title to the property. 他有此财产的有效产权证书。
- He intends to transfer the property to his son. 他打算把财产转让给儿子。