- uncertain legal conception 不确定法律概念
- uncertain legal concept 不确定法律概念
- The legal concept of insanity is of a different nature from the medical. 精神错乱的法律概念与医学概念在性质上是不同的。
- This is when the legal concept of proprietary right comes into form. 这时,法律意义的产权概念就产生了。
- Man's family relations became a part of the legal conception of his life, and the alienation of a wife's affections was held remediable. 人的家庭关系成为人的生活中的法律概念,由于夫妻关系产生的疏远可以挽回。
- Organize and study security education, enhance safety consciousness and legal conception, reduce peccancy and traffic accident ratio. 负责组织和对驾驶员的安全思想教育,提高其安全意识及法制观念,以减少违章及各类事故的发生。
- The legislation has embodied the legal concept of ruling powers with law and restraining power corruption. 立法体现了以法治权,遏制权力腐败的法律理念。
- The Article further demonstrates that the donative that shape the legal concept of charity. 本文还对构成慈善法律概念的捐赠性理论进行了论证。
- Tax return show the computation of the company's taxable income, legal concept by tax laws and regulations. 纳税申报单则反映应税收益的计算,是由税法和税则规定的概念。
- However, members considered that conflict of interest was not a narrow legal concept, but was a principle relating to ethics and natural justice. 然而,成员认为利益冲突并非狭隘的法律观念,而是关于道德操守及自然司法的原则。
- Anti-essentialism of Hart, analysis of legal concept and method of hermeneutic come from philosophy of ordinary language. 最后指出,哈特的反本质主义,法律语词的概念分析和他的解释学方法都来自日常语言哲学。
- It had a crucial effect on the standardization and enhancement of clinic medicine quality and legal concept in our health system. 对于规范和强化全国医疗卫生系统临床工作质量标准和法律意识起了决定性的作用。
- It seems uncertain why he lost the election. 他落选的原因似乎并不清楚。
- He tells us in no uncertain term not to come again. 他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。
- Enlightenment ideas of Montesquieu and rational legal concept created very significant impact, but also promoted its further promoting enlightenment thoughts. 启蒙思想及其理性的法律观对孟德斯鸠造成了非常重大的影响,但同时也促使其更进一步的推动了启蒙思想。 作为启蒙法学家的孟德斯鸠将社会视为一个整体性的理性结构,自然万物都是这个结构中的饱含规律的受支配物,人类概莫能外。
- I own to being uncertain about that. 我坦白承认对那件事还没有把握。
- And advance is a legal concept, main role is to ensure that the commercial housing sales contracts entered into or perform, a security nature, but also a punitive nature. 而定金是一个法律概念,主要作用是保证商品房买卖合同的订立或履行,具有担保性质,同时也具有惩罚性质。
- Let us eliminate all uncertain on thought. 让我们从思想上消除一切疑惑。
- I'm uncertain about how to get there. 我不确切知道怎样才能到达那里。
- The uncertain weather delayed our departure. 天气变换莫测,延误了我们启程。