- Brazil has successfully led the UN mission in Haiti. 巴西曾成功地领导了联合国在海地的任务。
- One Briton were among the dead in Tuesday's attack. The head of the UN mission in Iraq. 在星期三联合国驻守伊拉克办事处的炸弹袭击中,有一名英国人死亡。
- How the EU, which is supposed to replace the UN mission in Kosovo, plans to tackle this is the next big question. 而本应在科索沃取代联合国任务的欧盟要如何解决这种事端则是下一个大难题。
- The UN mission has brought greater security: reported kidnappings fell from 722 in 2006 to 258 last year. 联合国的行动已经使这里变得更安全:报告的绑架案从2006年的722宗下降到去年的258宗。
- A UN mission troop was deployed in Congo. They were made up of military observers and non-military personnel from several countries. 一支联合国的任务部队部署在刚果,他们是由几个国家的军事观察家及非武装部队组成。
- But the UN mission in Kosovo has been told nothing by its masters in New York and so has no plans to hand over authority. 但是,欧盟在科索沃的使团并没有接收到美国纽约的“主人们”的命令,因此使团也就还没有打算移交权力。
- The head of the UN mission in Afghanistan has admitted his deputy left the country after a row between them over the disputed Afghan election. 联合国驻阿富汗代表团首领承认,他的副手因与他在有争执的阿富汗选举中意见不合而离开阿富汗。
- Meanwhile, staff at the UN mission in Baghdad are drawing up lists of possible concessions that might mollify all sides. 同时,联合国驻巴格达代表团人员草拟了一份可能平息各方的让步清单。
- If the Ahtisaari plan were to be fully endorsed, the UN mission in Kosovo could be replaced by an EU one, with an international pro-consul similar to Bosnia' s. 如果阿提撒日的计划书将被全盘认可,那么联合国在科索沃的任务则会被欧盟取而代之,并会立一个类似与波斯尼亚的地方总督。
- Meanwhile, the former deputy-head of the UN mission in Afghanistan accused his former boss of suppressing evidence of fraud in the presidential election in August. 同时,联合国驻阿富汗任务团前副团长指控他的前任团长,对外隐瞒了今年八月阿富汗总统大选的舞弊证据。
- But many defence experts doubt whether European countries have the resources for the EU, the NRF and other demanding operations such as the UN mission in Lebanon. 但是,许多防务专家质疑,是否欧洲国家有资源支持欧盟、NRF及其他诸如联合国的黎巴嫩任务等行动需求。
- Even then, Mr Bush had hoped to find a way around this by appointing Mr Bolton to a nominally junior post not requiring Senate approval, while keeping him at the head of the UN mission. 即便如此,布什仍然希望找到无需参议院批准的某种变通方法,直接任命博尔顿担任一个名义上初级职位,以便保留他在美国驻联合国使团中实际上的领头羊地位。
- This foresaw an independent Kosovo, with highly autonomous zones for the Serb minority and the replacement of the UN mission by an EU mission, with a form of international governor. 这预示着一个少数塞尔维亚人享有高度的自治区域的独立的科索沃,同时联合国特派团也变成了以国际管理者身份行事的欧盟特派团。
- I also didn't want to divide the NATO alliance by unilaterally bombing Serb military positions, especially since there were European, but no American, soldiers on the ground with the UN mission. 我也不想单方面轰炸塞族军事阵地,在北约的盟友中造成分歧,特别是由于,在当地执行联合国任务的是欧洲军队,不是美国军队。
- Condemning such attacks, the Security Council has recalled that the responsibility for the safety of UN missions rests with host countries and parties to conflicts. 安全理事会在谴责这类攻击时回顾指出,联合国特派团的安全是东道国和冲突有关各方的责任。
- UNAMET The UN Mission East Timor 联合国东帝汶使团
- Condemning such attacks,the Security Council has recalled that the responsibility for the safety of UN missions rests with host countries and parties to conflicts. 安全理事会在谴责这类攻击时回顾指出,联合国特派团的安全是东道国和冲突有关各方的责任。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- UN missions have also been asked to assume temporary administration of certain territories,as in East Timor during the period leading up to its independence in 2002. 联合国特派团也曾应要求在一些领土履行临时的 行政职能,如在东帝汶2002年独立之前的一段时间内行使这样的职能。
- UN missions have also been asked to assume temporary administration of certain territories, as in East Timor during the period leading up to its independence in 2002. 联合国特派团也曾应要求在一些领土履行临时的 行政职能,如在东帝汶2002年独立之前的一段时间内行使这样的职能。