- Contrasting Standard Penetration Test with Ultrasonic Wave Test In-site Tests 标准贯入与波速在原位测试中的对比分析
- ultrasonic wave test 波速
- ultrasonic wave test method 超声波检测法
- Design of ultrasonic wave guide device. 超声波导盲器的设计。
- New Products of Ultrasonic Wave Technology. 超声波技术新产品。短句来源。
- Ultrasonic wave arm hole machine. 超声波袖笼机。
- Supply ultrasonic wave detector tube. 供应超声波检测管。
- In this paper, the principle of applying ultrasonic wave method to detecting drill-hole grouting quality is described and the test result is analyzed. 笔者介绍了超声波检测钻孔灌浆质量的方法原理并做了测试效果分析。
- The recent advances in ultrasonic guided wave testing technique are summarized. 摘要综述近年来超声导波检测研究的最新进展。
- It is more than one year that metallographic test being replaced by ultrasonic wave measurement is proved feasible and reliable in practical detection vermicular graphite rate. 并通过一年多的实践进一步证明了用声速法代替金相法测蠕墨铸铁蠕化率是可行的、可靠的。
- Contrast with common vertical longitudinal ultrasonic wave, slant longitudinal wave could be applied to test the nozzle welds on vessel, header, bolts and austenite material. 介绍了超声纵波斜入射法在电站锅炉压力容器管座角焊缝、螺栓和奥氏体钢锻件等部件探伤中的应用。
- X-ray film, ultrasonic wave determination, urinary tract determin... 结论:对腹膜后血肿的早期诊断及救治是提高生存率的关键。
- Research on Conditions of Ultrasonic Wave Disruption of Two Lactobacillus sp. 嗜酸乳杆菌;保加利亚乳杆菌;亚油酸异构酶;超声波破碎;条件
- Creeping wave testing is an effective supplement to conventional ultrasonic testing. 爬波检测是常规超声波检测的有力补充。
- Cracks can be detected by a method using ultrasonic waves. 疵点可用超声波方法检测。
- Ultrasonic Wave Testing 超声波检测
- Cracks will come out clean when treated by ultrasonic waves. 如果以超声波处理,缝隙就会变得很洁净。
- This paper deduces the errors sources from the process of ultrasonic longitudinal wave testing and evaluates its uncertainty. 本文分析了超声波探伤纵波检测的误差来源,评定了在探伤过程中的不确定度。
- This paper introduces the principle of the test of the bond quality between steel and concrete by ultrasonic wave reflection on Single Surface, and analyzes the feasibility of the test method. 摘要根据超声检测的原理,提出了采用超声多次反射法单面检测钢-混凝土粘结界面质量,分析了该方法的可行性,综合考虑各试验参数的影响。
- Non-destructive test (NDT) for concrete; inspection, evaluation and appraisal for the quality, flaw, crack and durability of concrete construction; and sound wave test for rock. 咨询专业特长:混凝土无破损检测技术;混凝土质量、缺陷及耐久性检测、评定、鉴定;岩体声波检测。