- Objective To study the clinical value of ultrasonic diagnosis for low segment ureteral polyp. 摘要目的探讨超声诊断输尿管下段息肉的临床应用价值。
- Objective: To evaluate the ultrasonic diagnosis of carcinoma of head of pancreas and analyze its clinical data. 目的:评价胰头癌的超声诊断并进行临床分析。
- Ultrasonic diagnosis and analysis of cerebromeningeal cerebroma ahnormality in fetus. 胎儿脑膜脑瘤畸形的超声诊断分析。
- Method:Observe and test the heart functions of normal domestic cats before and after the medicine ASU-DIC colorful dipolar ultrasonic diagnosis Set. 方法:用ASU-DIC型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪观察测定给药前后家猫心功能。
- Objective To investigate ultrasonic diagnosis of urolithiasis in allograft kidneys. 目的探讨肾移植后移植肾输尿管结石的超声诊断。
- Objective: To evaluate the ultrasonic diagnosis value with gallbladder polypoid disease. 目的:分析超声显像诊断胆囊息肉样病变的价值。
- Objective To explore the clinical value of B-Type ultrasonic diagnosis of clonorchiosis. 目的探讨利用B型超声诊断华支睾吸虫病的临床价值。
- Objective To study clinical value of ultrasonic diagnosis in the congenital ureterostenosis. 目的研究超声诊断在先天性输尿管狭窄中的临床价值。
- Objective:To evaluate the value of the ultrasonic diagnosis of early acute gangrenous cholecystitis (AGC). 目的:探讨超声显像对急性坏疽性胆囊炎的早期诊断价值。
- Conclusion:The ultrasonic diagnosis is regarded as direct,simple and safety manner for diagnosis on acute appendicitis. 结论超声为急性阑尾炎的诊断提供了一个直接、简便、安全的方法。
- Method: 203 patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease were applied with progenital type ultrasonic diagnosis. 方法:对203例慢性盆腔炎患者进行阴式超声检查。
- Objective: To evaluate the value of ultrasonic diagnosis cryptorchidism in children. 摘要目的:探讨超声检查对小儿隐睾的诊断价值。
- Objective To discuss the ultrasonic diagnosis of two rare cases of the right coronary artery left ventricular fistulae. 目的探讨两例右冠状动脉左心室瘘的超声诊断。
- Conclusion Ultrasonic diagnosis for polypoid pathology of the gallbladder is accurate. 75%25,超声的正确诊断为手术提供了可靠信息。
- Objective: To improve the ultrasonic diagnosis criteria for blood flow in the breast neoplasms. 摘要目的:进一步完善超声检测乳腺肿瘤血流的诊断标准。
- New Philips 5500 and GE Healthcare Logiq 400 ultrasonic diagnosis devices were provided by Philip Company, Dutch and GE Company, respectively. 使用仪器为NewPhilips5500型和GEHealthcareLogiq400型超声诊断仪(分别由荷兰Philip公司和美国GE公司生产)。
- Methods:Examine 30 cases of duplexkidney with abnormal ureters by using of Aloka-SSD 5000, 5500 and GE Logiq 700 ultrasonic diagnosis apparatus. 方法:使用Aloka-SSD5000、5500和GE Logiq 700超声诊断仪对30例重复肾合并输尿管异常进行检查。
- Objective To evaluate the accuracy and screening value of ultrasonic diagnosis of patients with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria. 目的判断超声对无症状镜观血尿的诊断及筛查应用价值。
- Objective To improve the accurate ratio of ultrasonic diagnosis of cancer at the end of ureter and provide with reliable evidence for surgery therapy. 目的提高超声对终端输尿管癌的诊断准确率并能为手术方式提供可靠的依据。
- Objective: To discuss the diagnosis value of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease by progenital type ultrasonic diagnosis. 摘要目的:探讨阴式超声诊断慢性盆腔炎的价值。