- Use an ultra violet property marker. 使用紫外线财产标记。
- In the first place, the pigments protect them from the intensive ultra violet rays found at high altitude. 首先,由于海拔高日照强,色素可以阻碍过强紫外线的照射。
- Ultra violet (UV) radiation has limited penetration and thus its application in food safety is also limited. 紫外辐射穿透物质的能力有限,因此,其在食品安全方面的应用也有限。
- Pale violet or ultra violet as it shines through the sun is the tone of erasure. 浅紫色和极端的紫,当它由太阳照耀出时,是“擦除”音调。
- The pile is fully siliconised and also UV stabilized to minimise the effects of ultra violet light and can withstands wide range of temperature variation. 在毛条里加如硅而制成的硅化毛条还能很好的抵抗紫外线的影响和温差引起的变形。
- Methods:Content of levofloxacin lactate and glucose were examined with ultra violet spectrophotometry and polarimetry, respectively. 方法:用紫外分光光度法测定左氧氟沙星的含量,旋光法测定葡萄糖含量。
- Strengthened skin immunity. Anti-free radicals. Prevents the formation of Melanin. Increase resistance to Ultra Violet rays. 化皮肤之抵抗力、抗自由基、抑掣黑色素的形成、增?抵抗紫外线之能力。
- The ultra violet (UV) rays that cause suntans also cause a kind of chemical, called endorphins, to be released into the blood. 造成皮肤晒黑的紫外线,也会造成一种称为脑内啡的化学物质被释放进血液中。
- Observation of surface sunny ul traviolet radiation is mainly done by the UV spectroradiometer and filter ultra violet radiation meter. 紫外线辐射强度的观测主要使用紫外光谱辐射计与滤光片式的紫外辐射表。
- UV inhibitors are another clear coat additive that helps prevent the sun's ultra violet rays from fading the color coat under the clear coat. 紫外线的抑制剂在防止漆面褪色时,是另外一种可以防止紫外线辐射的添加剂。
- A method for the determination of Fluvalinate in Shamanwei by high performance liquid chromatography was developed with the peak specified by using ultra violet spectrometry. 研究建立了杀螨威中阿波罗的高效液相色谱分析方法,利用紫外光谱方法确定了阿波罗的峰位置。
- It was efficient to use Sephadex G 50 column chromatography and ultra violet absorption spectrometry atomic absorption spectrophotometry in isolation, and then it was followed by quantitative analysis of chromium binding substances. 采用葡聚糖凝胶G?50柱层析法分离低分子蛋白效果好。
- Thus , due to the action of ultra violet rays on the skin , substances are produced in the skin which get into the blood and accelerate the processes of metabolism in the various organs of the body. 因此,由于紫外线在皮肤的作用,皮肤里产生一些物质进入血液,可促进人体各个器官的代谢作用。
- The scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey say a low to moderate intake of caffeine combined with exercise can be good for health and prevent damage caused by the Sun's ultra violet rays. 新泽西的科学家们称,适当的摄入少量咖啡因,同时保持运动,对健康是有好处的,可预防紫外线引起的皮肤伤。
- Some systems use ultra violet ultraviolet light to destroy harmful organisms.One product that disinfects water with UV light is called Aqua Star AquaStar, made by Maradian Meridian Design. 许多系统使用紫外线来破坏这些有害生物体,其中由顶点设计这一公司生产的一种产品名为“水之星”,它使用紫外线光来消毒水体。
- This shampoo will cure your dandruff. 这种洗发水可除掉头皮屑。
- Carbon steel ultra violet welded plate assemblies 碳钢紫外焊接中厚板组件
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- Inconel ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies 铬镍铁合金紫外线焊接棒材料部件
- Inconel ultra violet welded sheet assemblies 铬镍铁合金紫外焊接薄板组件