- ultra red ray drying 红外线干燥
- The red ray represents life force and change. 红色光象征着生命力量和变化。
- Let us therefore make peace with the red ray. 因此让我们与红色光和平共处。
- If uncomfortable, intend to make peace with the red ray. 如果不舒服,意愿与红色光和平共处。
- Anger only becomes violent if the red ray from another invades one's field. 如果来自别人的红色光线侵入你的场,愤怒只能成为暴力。
- Irradiate the red rays to the tumor. 用红色激光照射肿瘤。
- Let us intend to release all patterns, thought-form, entities and machines that prevent our full ability to move and embrace the red ray. 让我们去释放阻碍我们运转和拥抱红色光之全部能力的,所有模式、思想形态、存有们和机械。
- Much like the red ray, if one fails to master the magenta ray, one will be hard pressed also to master forgiveness or unity. 就像红色光线,如果你无法掌握洋红光线,你将也难于去掌握宽恕与统一。
- Much like the red ray, one will be unable to embrace forgiveness and unity as an ascending being, as magenta is a lower octave of these tones within the Language of Light. 就像红色光,如果你不能包含入洋红色光,作为一个提升存在,你将不能包含入宽恕和统一,因为洋红是光之语中这些音调的较低音阶。
- Let us also release all thought-form, patterns, entities and machines that cause us to either take on the red ray of another, or displace our own anger upon another. 让我们也释放所有导致我们从别人那里攫取红色光、及送出红色光的所有思想形态、模式、存有们和机械。
- Fourier transform infra red ray spectrum (FT IR), differential scanning calorimeter(DSC) and cross link density were employed in the experiment,and the relation... 通过红外光谱(IR)、差示扫描热量计(DSC)以及交联密度分析,讨论了其结构与性能的关系。
- In the first red rays of the sun they were in the lot. 天刚放亮,他们已经下地了。
- The multifunctional plastic film transfering Violet ray to Red light(VTR) as the new plastic film has long life and non-drop character.It ca n transfer violet ray of sunlight to red ray. 多功能转光塑料薄膜(以下称多功能转光膜)是一种具有长寿、无滴,并能把日光中的部分紫外线紫光转换成红光功能的新型塑料薄膜。
- One will choose an exposure time which is a good compromise between the times required for the blue and the red rays. 可以选择一个介于红光和蓝光所需要的曝光时间之间的折衷值作为曝光时间。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- Ultra thin, soft, subtle, fast absorbent, breathable, natural dry. 超薄柔软、纤细秀气,吸收快,透气好,干爽自然。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在衬衣外面套上了一件红色毛衣。