- Ultra vires doctrine has shown the tendency of decline in the course of legislation and judicial practice. 逾越权能原则在各国立法和司法实践中有日趋衰微的趋势。
- Forsyth, “Of Fig Leaves and Fairy Tales: The Ultra Vires Doctrine, the Sovereignty of Parliament and Judicial Review”, (1996) 55 Cambridge Law Journal 122. 对议会主权的批评和否定,参见最后部分。
- c. forsyth, “of fig leaves and fairy tales: the ultra vires doctrine, the sovereignty of parliament and judicial review”, (1996) 55 cambridge law journal 122. 但不是所有人都认同克雷格的温和立场。对议会主权的批评和否定,参见最后部分。
- The doctrine of ultra vires in China is rooted in its planned economy ideology. 中国的越权原则根植于计划经济的意识形态中。
- Hence, English company law has made the doctrine of ultra vires otiose by means of an express general clause. 因此,英国公司法通过一个明示的一般性条款使得越权原则归于无用。
- Any provision in that way is said to be ultra vires and is void. 这种越权的条文将被废止。
- In England, the doctrine of ultra vires could always be circumvented with the insertion of creative drafting of the memorandum and articles of association using “general” and “independent” clauses. 在英格兰,越权原则总是可以通过在起草备忘录和章程过程中创造性地插入诸如“一般”和“独立”条款的方法进行规避。
- As to this, many countries have founded corresponding legal principle to enforce the administrative power, such as the doctrine of ultra vires in England, the principle of proportionality in Germany. 对此,各国基于自身的宪政结构、法律传统作出了相应的回应:如英国的越权无效原则,德国的比例原则。
- Related departments will also abolish the ultra vires to clear out the charges. 相关部门还将清理取消越权出台的收费。
- The presumption of administrative authority has become an important factor of the ultra vires and abuse. 摘要行政权推定行使,已成为行政权越权、滥用的基本口实。
- In addition, there are many people asking : whether ultra vires the provisions of the draft? 同时,市民对治安管理责任的划分也争议较大。
- A business activity can still be considered ultra vires if it encroaches on national security or restricted by law. 但是,如果某一经营活动侵犯了国家安全或为法律所限制,该活动仍会被视为越权。
- Planning is in violation of land, not of first use, the margin was out of use and ultra vires land, land without authority approval. 主要是违反规划用地、未批先用、边报边用、越权批地、擅自下放土地审批权等。
- No violations of first use planning, the use of margin reported margin, ultra vires grant, unauthorized land authority delegated such phenomena. 出现违反规划未批先用、边报边用、越权批地、擅自下放土地审批权等现象。
- These limits are to build scale development Chanpian construction scale refrain from digging, phased sub-plots, and other means ultra vires approval. 以上建设规模限额均指单片开发的建设规模,不得采取化整为零、分期分块等手段越权审批。
- Appellant that the appeal is approved lose conduct registration act is ultra vires administrative lack of factual basis. 上诉人上诉认为被上诉人的行为是核准登记行为,属越权行政缺乏事实依据。
- Expropriation of land must be reported in accordance with the law approved by the State Council or provincial governments, no ultra vires approved the expropriation of land. 征用土地必须依法报省级人民政府或国务院批准,严禁越权批准征用土地。
- First, some local land-grant, the main site is a violation of planning, not a first instalment, the margin was out of use and ultra vires land, land without authority approval. 一是一些地方违法批地用地,主要是违反规划用地、未批先用、边报边用、越权批地、擅自下放土地审批权等。
- We must, in accordance with the law, not ultra vires mandatory building construction management from the lower farmers, but also to farmers effective guidance. 既要依照法律,不能越权强制管理农民低层自建房的建造,又要给农民有效的指导。
- Audit concerned that some local ultra vires approval based card charges, some provinces without the approval of the State Council and the establishment of the Fund. 审计署有关人士表示,一些地方越权批准设卡收费,部分省未经国务院及财政部的批准擅自设立基金。