- I will realize my ultimate value. 我将实现自己最终的价值。
- The ultimate value of economic law reflects as benefit. 经济法的终极价值体现为效益。
- Ultimate value is placed on the dignity of the person. 最根本的价值应该是置于人的高贵性上。
- Dostoevsky understands death from the point of the ultimate value. 死亡是生命全部意义的取消者 ,因此陀氏拒斥死亡 ,渴望上帝、永恒和灵魂不死。
- That is the ultimate value in learning to perceive attack as a call for love. 要你学习把攻击视为一种对爱的呼求,其终极价值即在于此。
- The other side is the ultimate value of life, the release by the end of the value of life, that is the end of the game. 对方的有生命值的极限,上放的生命值由结束,即游戏结束。
- For education sovereignty, the national interest is reflected as its ultimate value. 国家教育主权的终极价值体现为国家利益。
- In establishing a source of all things, the cosmogonist also establishes his own ultimate value and purpose. 在本原的确立中,宇宙生成论者也确立了自己的终极价值和追求。
- Human rights guarantee is the point of departure and ultimate value objective of constitutionalism. 摘要人权保障是宪政的出发点和终极价值目标。
- The ultimate value goal is set on the adoration of science,the increase of economy and the accumulation of material wealth. 对科技的崇拜,对经济增长与物质财富的累加为终极价值目标。
- His thought was based on the ethical standpoint of utilitarianism,and pursuing maximal interests of the vast majority was its ultimate value. 功利主义的伦理观是其自由主义思想的伦理基础,最大多数人的最大幸福是其最终的价值目标。
- You can buy or sell a stock at the current price knowing that its ultimate value will be one millionth of the movie's actual opening box office number. 了解到一支股票的最终价值将是电影实际首场票房的百万分之一;就可以在当前价位上对其买或卖.
- Constitutionalism belongs in the field of liberalism.The ultimate value of constitutionalism is safeguarding human rights. 摘要宪政的终极价值在于保障人权,属于自由主义的范畴。
- The ultimate value goal is set on the adoration of science, the increase of economy and the accumulation of material wealth. 对科技的崇拜,对经济增长与物质财富的累加为终极价值目标。
- Therefore ,I hold as far as possible objective, neutral, the opening standpoint in the article, has not made the ultimate value judgement. 因此在文中我尽量以客观、中立、开放的立场进行解读,未做终极的价值判断。
- The key of calculating flexure strength of UPPC beam is to determine unbounded prestressed tendon s ultimate value when the components are under their ultimate load ability. 计算UPPC梁(板)的抗弯强度,关键是确定构件在极限承裁能力时无粘结预应力筋的极限应力值。
- Corporate interest is the polymer of different interest partners, the interest of shareholders and corporate creditors transformed from corporate interest is ultimate value. 公司利益是公司法上各种利益主体之间的聚合体,股东、公司债权人利益是通过公司利益转化而来的,属于最终层次的利益。
- In the realization of ultimate value in higher education,university leaders positions have a direct impact on the formation and function of their quality-oriented education. 在大学教育终极价值的实现中,大学领导素质教育理念的形成与作用的发挥,主要受到其角色定位的影响。
- Yoga is a system of living with sense and science,of the realization of ultimate values and altruistic missions of life. 瑜伽是由判断力(理性,见识)和科学,实现终极价值和利他天职组成的系统生活。
- Religion is a retionalization to trascend the limit , to comprehend the limitless and even grasping the limitless , so that to realize ultimate value of life by spreading physical efforts, that's self-cognizing ability . 宗教是借助心力,即认知能力的扩张,超越有限,领悟无限,乃至把握无限,从而实现人生终极价值的合理性过程,它是同无限的观念紧密联系在一起的。