- Consider first the ultimate concern of meaninglessness. 首先看看终极关切中的无意义这个主题。
- Animal growth or product yield is the ultimate concern of the agriculturalist. 牲畜的生长或其产品的生产量是农学家最关心的问题。
- This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality. 这种张力使信仰这种独特的超越成为一种人的植根于现实的终极关怀。
- The ultimate concern for the reality person is the aim of the Marxist philosophy. 摘要对现实的人的终极关怀是马克思哲学的价值旨归。
- People should be tolerant of different understandings about Ultimate Reality and Ultimate Concern. 深层信仰是关于终极实在的信仰,人们应当对关于这种信仰的不同表述持宽容态度。
- Metaphysics and ultimate concern are two core concepts in Western philosophy and religion. 摘要形而上学和终极关怀是西方哲学与宗教的两个核心观念。
- Deep convictions themselves imply belief in an Ultimate Reality or human Ultimate Concern. 但它又应当是超越的,并能被人们的深层信仰所支援。
- In the largest and most basic sense of the word, religion is the ultimate concern. 宗教,就这个词的最广泛和最根本的意义而言,是指终极关怀。
- Literature should also have the ultimate concern to human beings in the spirit, otherwise people will sink into the abyss of greed and indulgence . 在精神信仰上文学还应该葆有对人类的终极关怀,使人不致沉沦于贪利和纵欲的深渊之中。
- The ultimate concern and faith for nature is lust the deep roots of environmental crisis, which is the core of religious thoughts. 摘要环境危机的深层根源在于人类失去了终极关怀和信仰,而这曾经是宗教精神的灵魂。
- This is that Mou Zongsan strongly retains Confucian "constant reason" that decides to Chinese value beliefs and ultimate concern as a "moral religion". 这一“常道”从根本上作为一种“道德宗教”的特性,决定了中国人的价值信念和终极关怀。
- Let me turn now to a consideration of some psychotherapeutic as well as religious efforts to assuage existence anxiety. Consider first the ultimate concern of meaninglessness. 现在让我来谈谈一些心理治疗以及宗教对减轻存在焦虑所做的努力。首先看看终极关切中的无意义这个主题。
- Thus,this paper primarily focuses on causes of suicide and construction of life education,understanding,treasuring and upgrading life,as the ultimate concern of education. 探究自杀背后的深层原因,从认识生命、珍爱生命、提升生命来引导青少年建构生命教育的终极关怀。
- Chinese culture, however, is practicism, instead of pragmatism.Although Chinese culture emphasizes the real-life world, the ultimate concern is still transcend the life world. 但中国传统文化并不是实用主义而是实践主义,它虽然关注现实世界,但最终落脚点还是超越性的诉求。
- This article, from the perspective of both the realistic and the ultimate concern over man's spirit, aims to analyze the neo-humanist value judgments of Chinese metropolitan novels. 文章主要从对人的精神的现实关怀和终极关怀两个角度分析了中国现代都市小说新人文精神的价值取向。
- Undoubtedly,how to take effective measures and protect biodiversity has become our ultimate concern dur ing the development of West China,in which exists both opportunities and challenges. 在机遇与挑战同在的西部大开发过程中如何切实有效保护生物多样性,无疑已成为我们必须关注和思考的问题。
- In a perspective of a scientist's social responsibility, scientists at that time could be divided into groups of ultimate concern, value neutrality, relative value and responsibility loss. 从科学家社会责任角度,可将那时的科学家分为四种类型,即终极关怀型、价值中立型、相对价值型和责任丧失型。
- The philosophy makes it possible to show the ultimate concern for metaphysics by caring for entity.Therefore, it reveals its deep metaphysical nature, that is, affirming existence. 生态伦理从关心现实的存在者入手使形而上学的终极关怀得以实现成为可能,从而显露出了其深层形而上学本质-对存在的肯定。
- It places the literary criticism under the Earth ecosphere context. It is full of vitality because of its unique criticism visual angle and ultimate concern to the humankind's living prospect. 它把文学批评放在地球生态圈这一大语境下,以独特的批评视角和对全人类生存前景的终极关怀而充满生机和活力。
- I'll turn now from meaninglessness to another ultimate concerns: Existential Isolation. First we need to discriminate between the several uses of isolation in our profession. 现在我要从无意义转向另一个终极关切:孤独。首先我们需要对我们职业中对孤独这一词汇的几种用法做一区别。