- It had a registered fleet of 841,378 of which were air-conditioned. 登记车队有巴士841辆,其中378辆为空调巴士。
- INA Corporation v.Iran,Iran-U.P.C.T.R.8(1985 I),.P.373(378). 同前文提及的赫尔公式中的补偿含义.
- It had a registered fleet of 841, 378 of which were air-conditioned. 新巴的登记车队有巴士841辆,其中378辆为空调巴士。
- About 235 miles (378 kilometers) east of Halifax, the ocean floor drops away. 在哈利法克斯省东边大约235英里(378公里),海底地形出现很大的坡度。
- The shipping line from Rizhao Port to Inchon Port is only 378 sea miles. 在这个“家”里,韩国客商充分感受到了日照开发区的真情厚意。
- The entire landmass of the country is 378,000 sq. kilometers, an area smaller than that of California. 日本土地总面积为37.;8万平方公里,比美国加利福尼亚州的面积还小。
- A river, about 378 km (235 mi) long, of southern France flowing generally west and southwest to the Garonne River. 达恩湖:法国南部一河流,流程约378公里(235英里),大致向西然后向西南注入加伦河
- Methods The incidence,site,pathogen and nosogenesis of infection in 378 senile patients with COPD were analysed. 方法对378例COPD老年患者进行医院感染临床分析,包括发生率、感染部位、感染病原菌、易感因素。
- Deposed by Arian opposition in 376, he was restored to office in 378 after the death of the Arian emperor, Valens. 378年阿里乌派的皇帝瓦林斯死,他恢复了主教职务。与纳西昂的格列高利为友人。
- Sparta tyrannical rule on the use of the general discontent, Athens, in 378 BC, the city organized a new coalition. 利用对斯巴达暴虐统治的普遍不满,雅典于公元前378 年组织了新的城邦联盟。
- The entire landmass of thecountry is 378,000 sq. kilometers, an area smaller than that ofCalifornia. 日本土地总面积为37.;8万平方公里,比美国加利福尼亚州的面积还小。
- A city of Indonesia on northern Sumatra north-northwest of Padang. It is a shipping and trade center for an agricultural region. Population, 1,378,955. 棉兰:印度尼西亚一城市,位于苏门塔腊半岛北部,在巴东的西北偏北处。它是一个位于农业区的船运和贸易中心。人口1,378,955
- Article 378 Safekeeping of Fungible Items Where the depository keeps money deposit, it may return money of the same type and quantity. 第三百七十八条保管人保管货币的,可以返还相同种类、数量的货币。
- Horgos port city 670 kilometers away from Urumqi, Yining City, 90 km from the city 35 kilometers Yaerkente Kazakhstan, Almaty city 378 kilometers. 霍尔果斯口岸距离乌鲁木齐市670公里,伊宁市90公里,距离哈萨克斯坦雅尔肯特市35公里,阿拉木图市378公里。
- The amount of thick sea ice hit a record wintertime low of just 378,000 square miles this year, down 43 percent from last year, Meier said. 厚海冰的面积今年为历史冬季最低,只有37.;8万平方英里,比去年下降了43%25。
- Oppressed by Roman taxation, they revolted and plundered the Balkan provinces, defeating Valens and his army at the Battle of Adrianople (378). 因不堪帝国官吏的勒索而造反,劫掠帝国的巴尔干诸行省。
- Medan is a city of Indonesia on northern Sumatra north-northwest of Padang. It is a shipping and trade center for an agricultural region. Population,1,378,955. 棉兰是印度尼西亚一城市,位于苏门塔腊半岛北部,在巴东的西北偏北处。它是一个位于农业区的船运和贸易中心。人口1,378,955。
- A city of Indonesia on northern Sumatra north-northwest of Padang. It is a shipping and trade center for an agricultural region. Population, 1, 378, 955. 棉兰印度尼西亚一城市,位于苏门塔腊半岛北部,在巴东的西北偏北处。它是一个位于农业区的船运和贸易中心。人口1,378,955
- A city of Indonesia on northern Sumatra north-northwest of Padang. It is a shipping and trade center for an agricultural region. Population,1, 378, 955. 棉兰印度尼西亚一城市,位于苏门塔腊半岛北部,在巴东的西北偏北处。它是一个位于农业区的船运和贸易中心。人口1,378,955
- Ridership routes : 300 Road, 28 Road, 368 Road, 378 Road, 39 (Support) Road, 892 roads, 907 (sticks) in the left-Tung Road Lu (Shilihe) points out eastward away. 乘车路线:44路、800路、315路、345路德胜门站下车,地铁积水潭站下车。