- All of a sudden, the tyre burst. 轮胎突然爆裂了。
- The tyre burst with a loud report. 轮胎砰的一声巨响爆裂了。
- I bought an old engraving of the High Street. 我买了一张“大街”的旧版画。
- A tyre expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎一打气就鼓起来。
- The tyre is too hard reduce the pressure a bit. 这轮胎太硬,要减少一点压力。
- A sharp-pointed instrument used in engraving. 尖具雕刻时用的尖锐的突出物
- Have a dekko at this wheel: the tyre's flat. 瞧瞧这个轮子,轮胎瘪了。
- I found a nail sticking in the tyre. 我发现轮胎上扎着一根钉子。
- The lane was rutted with tyre tracks. 这小巷有车胎轧出的凹痕。
- tyre engraving 胎面花纹
- A painting or an engraving set in an oval or circular frame. 圆形浮雕镶嵌于椭圆形或圆形框架中之绘画或雕刻
- I have to get my front tyre blown up. 我得把前胎打一下气。
- The art or process of carving or engraving on precious stones. 宝石雕刻术宝石雕刻术或宝石雕刻制作过程
- He showed us a good tyre for comparison (with the worn one). 他给我们看一个好轮胎(与磨损的)作比较。
- A print or engraving made by using such a plate. 铜凹版印刷品用铜凹板印制的印刷品或版画
- There is no tread on the tyre - you should put on a new one. 这条轮胎已经磨平了,你应该换一条新的。
- Are you interested in wood engraving? 你对木刻感兴趣吗?
- A bald tyre is no longer safe to use. 磨光了的轮胎用起来不安全。
- The process of engraving zinc printing plates. 制锌版术雕刻锌印刷版的过程
- Pump more air into the tyre; it is still flat. 再往轮胎里打点气,轮胎仍很瘪。