- Increase of resident polluted water leads the Pearl River to a typical organic polluted one. 由于生活污水排放量大大增加,广州河段成为典型的有机污染河流。
- Keywords typical organic pollutants;distribution;benthic mussels;inshore areas of Yellow Sea; 典型有机污染物;分布;底栖贝类;黄海近岸;
- typical organic pollutants 典型有机污染物
- Coking effluent is a typical and difficultly degraded effluent that contains high concentration of organic pollutants. 焦化废水是典型的含高浓度有机污染物的难降解废水。
- Can dispel inorganic and organic pollutants, as well as toxicant. 可消除无机和有机污染物、有毒物。
- Can dispel inorganic and organic pollutants,as well as toxicant. 可消除无机和有机污染物、有毒物。
- PAHs are organic pollutants which exist in environment widely. 多环芳烃是一大类广泛存在于环境中的有机污染物。
- As a result, Yu became a typical “organic intellectual” as described by Antonio Gramsci. 余努力的结果是,他成长为葛兰西所说的“有机知识分子”的典型。
- In this paper, the photodegradation of the typical organic contaminant, 2,4 dinitrophenol (2,4 DNP), was studied in a new type photocatalytic reactor. 利用TiO2在H2O2中的溶解性,在玻璃表面形成TiO2薄膜,制作了新型环状光催化型反应器。 以2,4-二硝基苯酚为典型有机化合物,进行了降解的条件研究,并测试了反应器性能。
- Pyrolysis experiment of several typical organic solid waste was done in order to provide radical research on new technics for garbage disposal. 通过对几种典型的城市有机固体废弃物的热解实验,为开展新的垃圾处理工艺提供基础研究。
- Monitoring toxic organic pollutants in Huaihe River waters using SPE and triolein-SPMD. 利用两种采样技术监测淮河水中的有毒有机污染物。
- Small inorganic crystals can withstand significantly more cycles of excitation and light emission than can typical organic molecules, which soon decompose. 小型无机晶体可以耐受更多次的激发与放出光线,不像一般的有机分子很快就分解了。
- On the control of mutagenicity of nonvolatile organic pollutants in drinking water. 饮水中非挥发性有机污染物致突变性的防治对策。
- We oppose waste incineration because it releases into the environment persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as cancer-causing dioxins. 我们反对废弃物焚化,是因为它会释放如会致癌的戴奥辛等持久性有机污染物到环境中。
- Effect on the aerobic biodegradability after anaerobic acidification of organic pollutants in coke plant wastewater. 焦化废水中有机污染物经厌氧酸化后对好氧生物降解性能的影响
- In recent years, the study on the degradation of organic pollutants in water by ultrasound is very active. 摘要近年来,超声降解水体中有机污染物的研究十分活跃。
- A case study of a more typical organization would have been more useful to a broader group of readers. 一个典型组织的学习案例对很多读者都非常有用。
- Analysis methods of organic pollutants of EPA, JIS standard methods are summarized up. 本文着重就美国EPA、日本JIS标准方法中有机污染物的分析方法作了概括介绍。
- A single giant system no longer runs all the applications in a typical organization. 在一个典型的组织总,一个单独的大型系统不再运行所有的应用。
- Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is one of the most toxic organic pollutants that are difficult to degrade in chloropenoxies. 摘要五氯酚是氯酚族中最具毒性和最难降解的有机污染物。