- A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship. 小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房
- typesetting galley 排字活版盘
- The boy was caught and sold to be a galley slave. 这个男孩被抓住,并被卖到战舰上做奴隶。
- In printing, any handwritten matter intended for typesetting. 印刷技术中为排版意图进行的任何手写材料。
- The stewardess will get you some water from the galley. 空中小姐会从厨房给你拿些水来。
- He dived out of the galley door. 他窜出厨房门。
- Galley and laundry equipment to be done function. 厨房、洗衣间设备交验。
- Pages can now be typeset on-screen. 现在可以屏幕排版。
- Slip proof: Synonymous with "galley proof". 毛条稿样:亦称长条稿样。
- Do you mind to check up the typeset for me? 你介意帮我看看排版吗?
- A four-oared galley is hovering about. 一艘四桨的小艇,在四下游弋。
- A "definiton" is typeset as shown in this sentence. 一个”定义”被排版成这句话所示的。
- The boy was caughtand sold to be a galley slave. 这个男孩被抓住,并被卖到战舰上做奴隶。
- This must be the chest of the galley's carpenter. 这一定是船上的木匠的箱子。
- A light, swift galley formerly used in the Mediterranean. 平底小船从前在地中海里使用的轻快小帆船
- In typesetting,a sample of a printed output taken for proofreading. 在排版中,为校对用而印刷的样张。
- I have to go through the smoking compartment to get to the galley. 我不得不通过吸烟区才能到达厨房。
- An ancient galley equipped with two tiers of oars on each side. 古代一种一侧一排的两排桨海船
- Part of the building was dedicated to computer typesetting. 大楼的一部分拨作计算机排字或排版之用。
- To remove,especially from written or typeset matter; delete. 除去尤指从写好的或排好字的印刷品上除去;删除