- This type of flower is becoming a rarity. 这种花变得稀罕起来了。
- Herbalism: Herbalists make potions by gathering different types of flowers. 平安奥运,也应该是灾区人民的平安奥运。
- The results showed that there were three types of flower, including normal, abortive pistil and abnormal flowers. 结果表明,花器官有 3种类型:完全花、雌蕊败育花和畸形花。
- The Netherlands is known for its tulips. Rochester, New York, is known for another type of flower - the lilac. 荷兰因郁金香而闻名于世,而纽约的罗契斯特市则以另一种花,紫丁香,而出名。
- But the summer heat soon kills them and thus replaced with other type of flowers. 但是夏天的热度很快杀死他们因此替换成花的其他类型。
- Plum blossom is a type of flower, which belongs to the Rosaceae family and often blooms in the winter. 梅花是花,属于蔷薇科的家庭,往往在冬季开花。
- Jinxian Fu opened a flower shop named BaicaiYuan after obtaining a business licence.She manages over 100 types of flowers and plants which she procures and cultivates by herself. 付金仙,申请执照开办了百彩苑花店,她通过外出采购和自己培育,经营的花木品种已达100多种。
- This indicats that gamma ray irradiation can increase the frequency of mutations and produces special types of flower in Godetia grandiflora breeding. 花色变异主要是颜色变浅,甚至变为白色。花瓣变异可由原来的单瓣变为重瓣花。
- According to the flower-long, is divided into four types: the motley aromatic, the type of flowers, giant trees and flowers type of micro-category. 根据花的长式,分四个类型:即杂色芳香类、繁花类、巨株繁花类和微型类。
- Tianshui area, mainly attributable to the folk song in Gansu and flowers between Tao Min between the two types of flowers. 天水地区的山歌主要归属于陇中花儿和介乎洮岷花儿之间两种类型。
- Strangely,some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, whereas others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. 奇怪的是,有些人发现他们可以闻出一种花香,却闻不出另一种,而有些人却对两种花香都很敏感。
- Coral is formed by certain types of polyp. 珊瑚是由某些水螅体构成的。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- We have not only discovered many types of flowers and grasses in the Barclay Ritual Park, we have also explored all kinds of lovable animals, and let us study more knowledge! 我们在巴克礼公园不但发现了许许多多奇形怪状的奇花异草,也探索到了各式各样的可爱动物们,更让我们学习到了更多新的知识!
- There are two types of rocks in this area. 这个地区有两种类型的岩石。
- We have many types of cosmetics for sale. 我们有许多种化妆品待售。
- This is good if you want to do leather working, and is profitable when you combine it with mining.Herbalism: Herbalists make potions by gathering different types of flowers. 无线一连代表李春光在演讲中倡议:“总书记考察北大的重要讲话,体现了对当代青年的深切关怀和殷切希望。
- This type of bulb screws into the socket. 这种灯是拧到灯座上的。
- Check the type of flowers if you like them.The decoration for wedding car.Any corsages for family and groom, bestman and bridesmaid. 预定你喜欢的手花、新娘车的设计、新郎、家人、伴郎、伴娘有没有胸花?
- This type of bicycle is up to date. 这种款式的脚踏车是最新式的。