- The full range of type of the same design. 同一种图案的铅字的全范围
- There are different types of geological hazards in Ludian county. 摘要鲁甸县地质灾害类型众多,主要有滑坡,泥石流、崩塌、地裂缝等。
- Because of the type of merchandise, we can only ship by truck( rail, etc). 由于商品种类的关系,我方只能用卡车(火车等)来运送。
- He is the very type of the sportsman. 他是运动家的典范。
- The name of the type of the elements of the array. 数组元素类型的名称。
- Highly Incised Slope (HIS) is a new type of geological hazard in the mountainous region of Three Gorges Reservoir. 摘要高切坡是三峡库区新的地质灾害形式。
- Gets or sets the event type of the event log entry. 获取或设置事件日志项的事件类型。
- Gets or sets the type of the elements in the array. 获取或设置数组元素的类型。
- Gets or sets the type of the member. 获取或设置成员类型。
- Gets the transport type of the site link. 获取站点链接的传输类型。
- Gets the type of the current node. 获取当前节点的类型。
- Gets the type of the value stored in the cell. 获取存储在单元格中的值的类型。
- Gets the usage type of the surface. 获取图面的用途类型。
- The data type of the items in the array. 数组项的数据类型。
- Change the IP header type of the service field. 更改服务字段的IP头类型。
- Based on the investigation of geological hazard in the northern loess plateau, the main types of highway hazards, including loess slumping, roadbed fracturing, loess-bridge deformation, erosion, etc. 黄土高原北部地质灾害综合调查表明,砂黄土区公路地质灾害的主要类型包括黄土边坡滑塌灾害、路堤裂陷灾害、路桥变形和冲蚀灾害等。
- Indicating the type of the session change event. 指示会话更改事件类型的。
- ID of the system type of the parameter. 参数的系统类型的ID。
- The first consideration is the type of the field. 需要考虑的第一件事是字段的类型。
- type of blasting engineering geological hazard 爆破工程地质灾害类型