- Type genus of the Oniscidae; woodlice that cannot roll into a ball. 潮虫科的模式属;不能蜷成一团的林虱。
- Type genus of the Bufonidae; common toads of New and Old Worlds. 蟾蜍科的模式属;新旧大陆常见的一种蟾蜍。
- Type genus of the Equidae: only surviving genus of the family Equidae. 马科的模式属;仅存的马科的一属。
- Type genus of the family Euglenaceae: green algae with a single flagellum. 眼虫藻科的模式属;绿色海藻带有单个的鞭状匍匐枝。
- Type genus of the Piperaceae: large genus of chiefly climbing tropical shrubs. 胡椒科的模式属;热带匍匐灌木的大属。
- Type genus of the Rhizophoraceae; a small genus of tropical trees and shrubs. 红树的模式属;热带乔木和灌木的小属。
- type genus of the Regalecidae. 带鱼科的一个模式属。
- Type genus of the Dacrymycetaceae: fungi with a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa. 花耳属的模式属;长有分叉的没有隔片的孢子台的真菌。
- Type genus of the Polyporaceae; includes important pathogens of e.g. birches and conifers. 多孔菌属的模式属;包括致桦树和松树主要的病原体。
- Type genus of the Sterculiaceae: deciduous or evergreen trees of Old and New World tropics and subtropics. 梧桐科模式属:新旧大陆热带和亚热带一个落叶性或常绿乔木属。
- Warble flies is considered the type genus of the family Hypodermatidae in some classifications. 在牛皮蝇在一些分类中被认为是皮蝇科的模式属。
- Type genus of the Agavaceae; in some classifications considered a genus of Amaryllidaceae. 龙舌兰科模式属;有些分类认为它是石蒜科植物的一个科的属。
- Type genus of the Ascaphidae; in some classifications included in the family Leiopelmatidae. 尾蟾属的模式属;在一些分类中被划入细趾蟾科。
- Type genus of the Leptodactylidae; in some classifications placed in the family Bufonidae. 细趾蟾科的模式属;在一些分类中被放入蟾蜍科。
- Kungia, a new genus of the Crassulaceae from China. 中国景天科一新属 -- 孔岩草属.
- Old World genus of the family Cruciferae. 旧大陆十字花科的一个属。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- African clawed frog; in some classifications made the type genus of a separate family Xenopodidae. 非洲有爪的青蛙;有时作为单独一科的模式属。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。