- Marks a type definition as discardable. 类型公开了以下成员。
- Paste the type definition into the destination class library. 将剪切的类型声明代码粘贴到目的类库。
- Instead, the tool produces a string in place of the simple type definition. 而是生成一个字符串来替代简单类型定义。
- A generic type definition is not assignable from a closed constructed type. 泛型类型定义不可以从封闭构造的类型赋值。
- An HTML document is validated against a Document Type Definition (DTD). HTML文档依靠DTD来校验文档是否有效。
- Table 3 shows the Document Type Definition (DTD) [12] for workflow logs. 表3展示了工作流日志的文档类型定义(DTD)[12]。
- Document Type Definition file used by SGML and XML to define mark-up languages. SGML和XML定义标记语言使用的“文档类型定义”文件。
- For more information, see Defining the Work Item Form and FORM Element (Work Item Type Definition Schema). 有关更多信息,请参见定义工作项表单和FORM元素(工作项类型定义架构)。
- As the following example shows, the Point value type becomes a type definition (typedef) with the name Point. 如下面的示例所示,Point值类型变为名为Point的类型定义(typedef)。
- To this end, the work item type definition language includes the concept of a field reference name. 为实现此目标,工作项类型定义语言包括“字段引用名称”的概念。
- At the very least, you have to change the user mapping file and the work item type definition file. 至少必须更改用户映射文件和工作项类型定义文件。
- When you select a type from the list, the type definition appears in the area on the right. 当从列表中选择一个类型时,该类型的定义出现在右边的区域中。
- Document Type Definition (DTD) should be defined before building Urban Geographic Information System based on XML. 要建立基于XML的城市地理信息系统,首先要定义它的文档类型定义(Document Type Definition,DTD)。
- Object representing the dynamic assembly that contains the generic type definition the current type parameter belongs to. 对象,该动态程序集包含当前类型参数所属的泛型类型定义。
- These attributes appear only within complex type definitions. 这些属性仅出现在复杂类型定义中。
- In this scenario, Visual Studio renames the existing type definition by appending the text "_Obsolete" to the type name. 在此情况下,Visual Studio会通过在类型名称后追加“_Obsolete”文字来重命名现有的类型定义。
- The definitions are called Document Type Definitions or DTDs. 定义被称为文件“文档类型定义”或DTD。
- You can apply this attribute to a parameter, field, or return value within the source of the type definition, as shown in the following examples. 可以将该属性应用到类型定义的源代码中的参数、字段或返回值,如下例中所示。
- The workflow section of the work item type definition describes the valid states, valid transitions, and valid reasons for the transitions. 工作项类型定义的工作流部分描述有效状态、有效转换和转换的有效原因。
- Returns the field of the specified constructed generic type that corresponds to the specified field of the generic type definition. 返回指定的构造泛型类型的字段,该字段对应于泛型类型定义的指定字段。