- This code can be included in the type declaration. 此代码可以包含在类型声明中。
- Gets or sets the name of the document type declaration. 获取或设置文档类型声明的名称。
- Gets the code type declaration for the current class. 获取当前类的代码类型声明。
- The document type declaration contents are worth looking at in detail. 值得仔细查看一下文档类型声明的内容。
- Class can be used to return information about a document type declaration. 类可用于返回有关文档类型声明的信息。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the type declaration is complete or partial. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示该类型声明是完整的类型声明还是分部类型声明。
- Which represents a type declaration for a class, structure, interface or enumeration. 表示类、结构、接口或枚举的类型声明。
- There is also no type declaration needed for the variable that holds the new instance. 也不需要对保存新实例的变量进行任何类型说明。
- A type parameter of a generic type declaration, or a type argument of a constructed generic type. 泛型类型声明的类型参数,或构造的泛型类型的类型变量。
- A closed generic type is a type declaration where a particular type is specified for a type parameter. 封闭式泛型类型是为类型参数指定特定类型的类型声明。
- The items in that part of the type declaration correspond to the items stored in the form file. 在此部分的类型声明的项目与窗体文件中存储的项目相对应。
- "An Array declaration uses - restricts or extends - the soapenc:Array type, or the wsdl:arrayType attribute is used in the type declaration. "(有限或延伸使用 soapenc:Array 类型的阵列宣告,或者在类型宣告中使用 wsdl:arrayType 属性。)
- You can invent your own tags and attributes and,if you want,share them and control their use with a formal declaration called a Document Type Declaration. 你可以发明自己的标志和属性,如果你需要,你还可以用一个叫“文档类型说明”的正式声明,共享这些标志与属性,并可控制它们的使用。
- If you create a function, stored procedure, or trigger that contains a user-defined type declaration with schema-binding, you must have REFERENCES permission on the type. 如果想要创建的函数、存储过程或触发器包含具有架构绑定的用户定义类型声明,则您必须具有该类型的REFERENCES权限。
- A well-defined type system should, by enforcing a number of type declaration and compatibility rules, guarantee the run-time type safety of the systems it accepts. 一个定义明确的类型体系应该是,通过强制实行大量的类型声明和兼容性规则,确保它所接受的系统运行时类型安全。
- You can invent your own tags and attributes and, if you want, share them and control their use with a formal declaration called a Document Type Declaration. 你可以发明自己的标志和属性,如果你需要,你还可以用一个叫“文档类型说明”的正式声明,共享这些标志与属性,并可控制它们的使用。
- A generic type declaration contains one or more unspecified types known as type parameters. 泛型类型声明包含一个或多个被称为类型参数的未指定类型。
- The name of the namespace in which to enclose all type declarations for the current project. 命名空间的名称,该命名空间包含当前项目的所有类型声明。
- In general, you cannot make changes to nested type declarations in Break mode while using Edit and Continue. 通常情况下,在使用“编辑并继续”时,不能在中断模式下更改嵌套类型声明。
- In language terms, Pyrex is essentially just Python with type declarations added in. 按照语言的术语来说,Pyrex本质上是在Python中添加了类型声明。