- twoaxis wire coiling machine 双轴绕丝机
- wire coiling machine 绕线机
- Where is the pipe coiling machine? 螺旋形卷管机在哪里?
- CNC coiling machine, it may be produce the precision extension spring. 万能电脑、弹簧成型机,也可生产相当精密的拉力弹簧。
- wire coiling and winding machine 线材卷取和绕卷机
- MSN: dafasav@hotmail.com Our main products are : Coil Roofing Nail, Wire Coil Nail and Plastic Strip Nail. 最新美国买家信息(含产品)--详细,进来的请加我或者留下联系方式
- Collocate many kinds of "日" type clamps, can wind all kinds of "日"type wire coil. 配置多种日字型夹具,可方便绕制各种日字型线圈。
- The WJ-BS-20A automatic coiling machine,for industry use,produces biconical spring of the "Bonn... 发布者:纪荣所在地:浙江宁波市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:
- A mechanical device used to toast bread, especially by exposure to electrically heated wire coils. 烤箱用来烤面包尤其是通过用电热线圈加热的方式的机械设备
- Fit heading wire coils to machines during production. 生产过程中适时调整模具。
- Curve down three roller coiling machine is a new equipment grown up recent years, of which application domestic is not so optimistic. 弧线下调式三辊卷板机是近年发展起来的一种新型设备,在我国的使用状况却不容乐观。
- According to the manufacturing and forming requirements of spring,a four axes coordinated NC system was designed for the spring coiling machine. 根据弹簧的加工和成型要求,设计用于自动卷簧机的四轴联动数控系统。
- Embedded ceramic far-infrared heaters made of high quality electrothermal wire coiling around the base which is composed of high thermal shock resistance ceramics and high radiance ceramic glaze. 埋入式陶瓷远红外辐射元件,系采用高辐射率的釉层,热震性能好的陶瓷作基体,高质量的电热丝一次绕制而成。
- Ceramic pigtail coil: is used for coiling machine and spinning and weaving fault silk location in mechanizing, is fault silk another piece in common use. 猪尾圈:猪尾圈用于绕线机和纺织机械化中的过丝部位;是常用的过丝另件.
- Ceramic pigtail coil: is used for coiling machine and spinning and weaving fault silk location in mechanizing, is fault silk another piece in common use. 猪尾圈:猪尾圈用于绕线机和纺织机械化中的过丝部位;是常用的过丝另件.
- Hydraulic driving is used for turning and resetting of large,medium and small-sized 3-roller coiling machine is mounted with special-purpose die for bar section bending. 大中型三辊卷板机倒头体的翻转、复位为液压驱动,便于取出工件。其中多用型三辊卷板机倒头体一侧装有专业模具,具有型材弯曲功能。
- Ceramic wave eyelet: is used for coiling machine and spinning and weaving fault silk location in mechanizing, is fault silk another piece in common use. 猪尾圈:猪尾圈用于绕线机和纺织机械化中的过丝部位;是常用的过丝另件.
- Tension controlis a key part that prouduces adjustable tension during winding to bestow enameled wire with rappropiate tension during winding and guarantee reasonable firmness of technical indexes of wire coil. 详细说明:张力器是绕线机在绕线时产生可调性张力的关键部件,使漆包线时带适宜的张力,从而使绕制的线圈松紧适宜紧固、满、证了线圈的技术指标的一致性。
- Various type of precision extension spring with side hook are produced by CNC coiling machine with spring length detectors and selectors to perfectly ensure satisfactions. 现时流得使用的各种形式钩环的拉力弹簧,均由cnc拉簧成型机一次完成,并可由检测选装置进行分选。
- Tensioner: Tension controlis a key part that prouduces adjustable tension during winding to bestow enameled wire with rappropiate tension during winding and guarantee reasonable firmness of technical indexes of wire coil. 张力器:张力器是绕线机在绕线时产生可调性张力的关键部件,使漆包线时带适宜的张力,从而使绕制的线圈松紧适宜紧固、满、证了线圈的技术指标的一致性。