- deterministic push down automaton 确定型下推自动机
- Push Down Automaton 按下自动机器
- Two way market and have ready buyer and seller. 双边市场和现成的买卖双方。
- Bisected two way mirror triangle, 1998. 分为两个三角形的方式镜子, 1998年。
- When you need a chime at the beginning or the end of the broadcasting, push down this button. There are two kinds of the chime can be chosen. 提示钟声按键:广播讲话的起始或结尾需提示钟声时;按下此键;二种钟声可选.
- There is two way to access your preset camera position. 有两种方法进入预置摄像机位置。
- In this paper a 1 inkdot two way alternating pushdown automaton (2apda) is introduced which is a two way alternating pushdown automaton (2apda) with the additional power of marking at most 1 tape cell on the input (with an inkdot) once. 该文引入 1墨水点 2方向交替式下推自动机 ,它是 1个具有额外能力的 2方向交替式下推自动机 ,能够用 1个墨水点在输入带上标记出最多 1个单元格。
- Open the back cover and push down the release pin on the back cover to remove. 打开后盖,按下后盖上释放针,以便卸下后盖。
- When I'm about eleven or twelve, I quickly push down the red button. 到了十一二岁,我赶快把红色按钮按下去
- Place your hand on the protruding piece of the board and slowly push down. 把你的手放在桌子外悬挂木板部分,慢慢地往下压。
- The plastic deformation on ribs caused by punch push down and skin springback. 筋条的塑性变形既有凸模下压导致的塑性变形,又有蒙皮回弹导致的塑性变形;
- push down automata 下推自动机
- After push down this button, display unit shows "0", and no signal is got in the main output and the AUX output. 复位键:按下此键时显示为0;表示没有线路信号进入主输出和辅助输出.
- She is pushed down the stairs and everyone cheers. 她被推下了楼梯,大家一阵欢呼。
- Zip Fastner for Inner bag No8 with green tape. Heavy duty plastic with two way, two side zipper. 内胆用8号拉头,绿色布条,使用加强型塑料双向双面拉链。
- The heavy log was pushing down on me. 沉重的圆木向我压过来。
- The market-makers will be required to quote two way prices at a reasonable spread during money market hours. 市场庄家须在货币市场操作时间内按合理差价提供买入和卖出报价。
- Zip Fastner for Inner bag No 8 with green tape. Heavy duty plastic with two way, two side zipper. 内胆用8号拉头,绿色布条,使用加强型塑料双向双面拉链。
- A gadget application could use the device capabilities when deciding what content to push down to a device. 当小工具应用程序决定向设备下传哪些内容时,可能会用到这些设备功能。