- State control has other pernicious effects. 国家管理还有另一个坏处。
- This provides legiti-macy for state control. 这种公共性为政府的管制奠定了合法性的基础。
- The two states made a compact to co-operate against terrorism. 两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议。
- Power system, the LED flashes two tubes that enter the working state control circuit. 系统上电后,发光两级管闪烁,表明控制电路进入工作状态。
- State Socialism advocates state control of industry. 国家社会主义主张工业应由国家管理.
- True blues like my grandfather won't tolerate any sort of state control. 像我祖父这类反对变革的人物不会容忍任何形式的国家控制。
- A pharmacist licensed to practice in two states. 经许可在两州执业的药剂师。
- Roosevelt carried all but two states in the1936 presidential election. 在1936年总统选举中罗斯福在除两个州以外的其他各州中都获得多数选票
- The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy. 纳粹主义纳粹党的意识和实施,尤其是种族国家主义,国家扩张,政府控制经济的政策
- Which are the last two states that join the union? 最后加入的两州是什么?
- The river runs between the two states. 这条河在两州之间流过。
- Across South America, governments chose state control as the way to modernize. 南非政府选择国家控制作为实现现代化的方式。
- State controlled socialism is communism. 受约束的国家社会主义叫共产主义。
- two state controller 二位控制器
- The valence atom of an alkali-metal atom has two states. 碱金属原子的价原子具有两种能态。
- These two state airlines have flown them at a loss (despite very high ticket prices), basically as a PR gim-mick. 尽管协和飞机的票价非常之高,这两家国有航空公司还是赔着本运营,其实只是将它作为公关的噱头。
- It was a source of disagreement between the two states. 这就是两国纷争的一个原因。
- During 1997,501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年内,海事处对抵港的外来商船所进行的港口国监督检查,共达501次。
- The two states made a compactto co-operate against terrorism. 两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议。
- The two states made a co.pact to co.operate against terrorism. 两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议.