- Four - lane highways crisscross the country. 四线干道纵横交叉布于全国。
- The two lanes merge going into the tunnel. 两条车道会合后引入隧道。
- Highways are wide roads, often divided in the middle by a low fence, with two lanes going in each direction. 公路通常很宽阔,中间隔有矮栏,一般每个方向都有两条并行的车道。
- Got to queue up early so I can get free textbooks,never mind that I have to double-park my BMW in that two lane street four blocks down. 要提早排队领取免费课本。就算我得把我的宝马轿车停在4条街外的双向车道上的另一部车旁边,也不算什么。
- Got to queue up early so I can get free textbooks, never mind that I have to double-park my BMW in that two lane street four blocks down. 要提早排队领取免费课本。 就算我得把我的宝马轿车停在4条街外的双向车道上的另一部车旁边,也不算什么。
- Location: Nguyen Van Linh St. Distr.7, HCMC Work Description:17.8 km long,10.5 m wide two lane road, including10 Nos. bridges with overall1450.8 meter. 南西贡大道工程位于胡志明市阮文灵大道。工程包括17.;8公里长10
- Location: Nguyen Van Linh St. Distr.7, HCMC Work Description: 17.8km long, 10.5m wide two lane road, including 10 Nos. bridges with overall 1450.8 meter. 南西贡大道工程位于胡志明市阮文灵大道。工程包括17.;8公里长10
- While I remember the road outside Beijing Foreign Studies University it was a dirt road.And the dirt road then became the paved road; then it became a wider road and now it is a two levels multi lane highway. 我记着北京外国语大学外面的路,原是条土路,后来铺了路,再后来扩宽了,如今那已是双层多车道的公路了。
- And the last thing on two lane, cobblestone and Hang heavy rain stopped on some road sections and full of stagnant water crawling cars to be cautious. 而一段时期以来,立水桥南北两边的主路进入了全封闭施工阶段,只留下左右两侧各一个正常行车道;
- On a normal two lane road, give way to vehicles coming towards you before you pass parked vehicles or other obstructions on the left-hand side of the road. 在一般双行车的道路上,如要超越道路左边停放著的车辆或其他障碍物,应先让路给迎面驶来的车辆。
- The genie said, "You want that bridge two lanes or four? 魔鬼说了,桥是想要两条通道还是四条通道?
- Haikou to Sanya in the middle lane highway 27 km, an area of 2000 mu, built a road to watch, watch the walk, service areas, lakeside resort, and so on. 位于海口至三亚中线公路27公里处,占地2000多亩,建有行车观赏区、步行观赏区、中心服务区、湖滨度假区等。
- Of which, the length of Tianchen Lane is 350 meters and the Daochang Lane is 300 meters, the above two lanes are in decussation. 其中天成巷段长350米,道场巷段长300米,两街呈十字交叉。
- The gas station is at the junction of two highways. 这个加油站位於两条公路的会合处。
- West Valley Road change beautiful double, four lane highway into six lane widening, hundreds of trees and more than 100 lanterns Chinese Lantern Ginkgo trees off the street was very brilliant. 门头沟区双峪路变漂亮了,四车道公路拓宽成六车道,数百株银杏树和100多盏华灯把大街衬托得十分亮丽。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Two lanes will be provided for traffic coming from the N7 and heading for the city and the Luas depot. 为从N7来往市里和轻轨车站开的车辆提供两条车道。
- Moving across the first two lanes, the car shot across the two southbound lanes without receiving a scratch. 穿过最先的两道窄道,汽车飞一样穿过向南的两道窄道,没有一点声音。
- The President walked down a lane formed by two lines of soldiers. 总统沿著两列士兵组成的通道上走过去。