- A belt of trees grew between the two fields. 两块田之间有一条树木带。
- There is a belt of trees between the two fields. 那两块地之间有一片狭长树林。
- The two key words of Bourdieu's literary field theory are relation and struggle. 摘要布迪厄“场”的理论中两大关键词就是关系、斗争。
- Instead, physicists use lattice field theory to study QCD interactions. 反而, 物理学家使用格子领域理论学习QCD 互作用。
- Object that displays two fields in the same cell. 对象。将名字和姓氏字段组合到同一。
- Norm Shealy, it seemed the two fields blended well. 似乎这是一场将两个领域很好结合的会议。
- Then mechanical models of the two characteristic time-intervals were integrated systematically based on slip-line field theory to construct a kind of superposed slip-line mechanical models. 将上述两个特征时段的滑移线场力学模型有机联结,构建了锥形凸台成形过程的一种叠加滑移线场力学模型;
- He said that combining the two field armies would multiply their strength not just by two but several times over. 他说,两个野战军联合在一起,就不是增加一倍力量,而是增加好几倍的力量。
- This then is something of a cursory view of the direction taken by contemporary quantum field theory. 这就是对现代电子场论的趋向的粗略的一瞥。
- From 1996 after origin two expansions, this has 45 member's cross-region field theory worlds, will discuss one in autumn's Beijing to have the chill in the air the realistic question. 自1996年以来历两次扩大之后,这个有45个成员的跨区域论坛,将在秋天的北京讨论一个更具寒意的现实问题。
- The full apparatus of quantum field theory is often unnecessary for describing electrodynamic systems. 对于描述电力学系统量子场理论的全部设备常常是多余的。
- In this paper we introduced the developments in dentrite studies mainly including two fields: dentrite morphology and dentritic growth theory. 本文主要介绍了枝晶研究的发展现状,主要包括枝晶形貌研究和生长理论研究两个方面。
- Making use of the linear field theory, the dielectric Cherenkov maser with an annular plasma is analysed in detail. 利用线性场理论,对填充环形等离子体的介质切伦可夫脉塞进行了详尽的分析;
- You cannot have two field names with the same name or again you will have a list that will not work. 你不能有两个具有相同的名称或姓名实地再次你会有一份清单,不行。
- Quantum field theory maintains that all interactions arise from the creation and annihilation of particles. 量子场论认为,一切互相作用是由粒子的产生和湮没而引起的。
- On June 28, the two field marshals set off for Hitler's headquarters in Berchtesgaden. 6月28日,两位元帅离开战场来到希特勒的贝斯特加登总部。
- The first complete quantum field theory, quantum electrodynamics, provides a fully quantum description of the electromagnetic interaction. 首先完善的量子场理论,量子电力学提供了电磁相互作用充分的量子描述。
- No. quantum field theory in curved space-time is just quantum mechanics in gravtiy background, not a theory of gravity. 也有的想在广义相对论的基础上重建量子力学(后者大概是弯曲时空中的量子力学或量子场论吧?)。
- Matters relating to tactics,techniques,communications and logistics of the campaign are to be decided by the two field armies themselves. 有关作战的战术、技术、通信联络、后勤工作诸事宜,由两野战军自行命令规定之。
- Using the witten index for a supersymmetric field theory, we proved the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem. 利用超对称理论的Witten index,我们证明Gauss-Bonnet-Chern定理。