- The canter is a three beat gait. 跑步是三拍节步伐。
- A fast, flashy, four - beat gait of a horse in which each foot touches the ground separately and at equal intervals. 小步跑马的快速、有气派的、四拍的步法,每只蹄子以相同的间隔时间分别接触地面
- Shaman was a major performer, the other one or two beat drums as accompaniment. 以一名萨满为主,另有一二名萨满为之击鼓伴奏,
- One Shaman was a major performer, the other one or two beat drums as accompaniment. 以一名萨满为主,另有一二名萨满为之击鼓伴奏,
- The signal was two beats on the steam pipe. 信号是在蒸汽管道上打两拍。
- The rein back is a rearward diagonal movement with a two beat rhythm but without a moment of suspension. 后退是以斜对角步伐做出向后退的两节拍动作,但是没有腾空期。
- The six beat kick is favored by sprinters (short distance, fast pace), while the variations of the two beat kick are favored by distance swimmers. 6次腿常见于短距运动员(短距离,高速度),那么两次腿则多见于长距离游泳运动员。
- Consisting of two or a multiple of two beats to the measure. 双拍子的每小节含有两拍或偶数拍的
- However, the six beat kick might help lift the sprinter higher in the water, while the two beat kick retains the stabilizing effect while conserving the energy of the long distance swimmer. 但是,6次腿显然有助于短距运动员提升在水中的体位,而2次腿则更合适于长距离运动员所需要的稳定地进行能量转换的需求。
- The common meters, or measured beat patterns, are duple (two beats to the measure), triple (three beats to the measure), and quadruple (four beats to the measure). 普通的韵律,(或者说被度量好了的打击模式),就是那些二重音,三重音,和四重音。
- No need to say much, only your passionate gaze, will dissolve everything, but our two beating hearts. 无需太多的语言,只要那深情的注视,一切便都会烟消云散,只留下两颗跳动的心。
- An abnormal pulse characterized by two beats in rapid succession followed by a pause. 二联律一种非正常脉搏,其症状为两次连续的快跳之后跟一次停顿。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Banco Bradesco of Brazil (BBD) made it to this list at number two beating competitor Banco Itau Unibanco (ITUB). 拉美方面,巴西布拉德斯科银行(BBD)击败了自己的对手ITUB再次杀入榜单。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- The first three beats are the major melody, and in the latter two beats, the string is plucked to make out sound of "Chacha", like rhythmic jumping. 前三拍为主旋律,后两拍拨动琴弦,发出"嚓嚓"的乐音,富有跳跃感。
- Words are unnecessary. What is needed is just gazing at each other with deep feelings, such gazing makes everything retreat and leaves two beating hearts. 无须太多的语言,只要那深情地注视,一切便都会烟消云散,只留下两颗跳动的心。
- She has two cars and in addition a motorboat. 她有两辆轿车外加一艘汽艇。
- The meat marinated in the brine for two days. 这块肉在盐水里泡了两天。
- At that time he had two helpers. 当时他有两个助手。