- Is contraceptive test paper gules are two bar to still be pregnant? 避孕试纸红色两道杠是怀孕还是没有怀孕?
- Will two bars of soap be enough for you ? 两条肥皂够你用了吗?
- As it settles on a consistently ascending two bar pattern, mp, the orchestra gives up the few irregularities it has recently adopted, driving the music upwards. 当钢琴以中弱音稳定在两拍子的上升模式上时,交响乐团给出了几个已经有一段时间没用的不规则音,将音乐的声调提高。
- The problems of groove rolling for multi-product were analyzed.The grooveless rolling technology was tested on two bar rolling lines of Xinjiang Bayi Iron and Steel Group Co. 介绍了为解决轧制多品种产品时有孔型轧制存在的问题,先后在2条棒材生产线进行了无孔型轧制试验,并在第2条棒材生产线上基本实现了全连轧。
- There're two bars and a shop selling flowers around the corner. 在街的拐角处有两家酒吧和一家商店卖花。
- There's a shop selling flowers and two bars around the corner. 在街的拐角处有一家商店卖花和两家酒吧。
- Commencing with one brief joist rack optimizing design issue in the engineering practice, this paper discussed that optimizing design of two bar joist rack structures about pressure bar stabilization. 从工程实践中的一个简单桁架的优化设计问题入手,讨论了考虑压杆稳定性时二杆桁架的优化设计问题。
- The first two bars of the music go through the whole piece of music. 这首乐曲的前两个小节线贯穿整首乐曲。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- The whole class is here bar two that are ill. 除两人生病外,全班都到齐了。
- At that time Majors were authorized oak leaves;Captains were authorized two bars and First Lieutenants were authorized one bar on the shoulder straps. 当时只有将军的星徽和上校的鹰徽,中校、少校、上尉、中尉肩章上没有标志,只能通过肩章穗带的长度来区分。
- Choosing section of bar structure purlin based on the new codes 基于新规程的轻钢结构檩条的截面选取
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- The hotel has one restaurant, two cafes and two bars, each offering a unique experience in contemporary surroundings. 酒店拥有一家饭馆,两个咖啡厅和两个酒吧,每一个给予独特的经验在一个现代性的环境里。
- Once on the boat, they were taken below and their chains were fixed to two bars that ran the length of the ship. 一上了船,他们就被带进了底舱,他们的镣铐就被拴在两根从船的一头伸到另一头的铁杆上。
- Computer aid design of four linkage bar structure for hydraulic powered support 液压支架四连杆机构计算机辅助设计
- A decrescendo brings the music back to an almost spooky piano within the next two bars. 在之后的两小节,一段减弱音将音乐带回到幽灵般的钢琴声中。
- Researchers staked out two bars in the west of France and observed drinking habits of 40 patrons. 研究员在法国西部的两个酒吧中进行了为期两周的秘密观察,并记录了40名顾客的饮酒习惯。
- "Fifthly: in the Madelonettes there are only two bars to the canteen, so that the canteen woman can touch the prisoners with her hand. 第五:在玛德栾内特监狱食堂的窗口只有两根栏杆,这样女炊事员的手就可能让犯人碰到。