- High - yielding Technique of Two - line Hybrid Rice Combination Seed Production 两系杂交水稻制种高产技术
- Two - line hybrid rice 两系杂交水稻
- Two line hybrid rice 两系杂交稻
- Building and analysis of model for fertilizer response of two lines hybrid rice E Gen Za No.1 鄂粳杂1号肥料效应函数模型的建立与分析
- Three line hybrid rice 三系杂交稻
- two- line hybrid rice 两系杂交水稻
- A new hybrid rice varirty Feng liang you NO. 杂交水稻新品种丰两优一号。
- This hybrid rice can resist cold. 这种杂交水稻很耐寒。
- The new late-season Indica hybrid rice Tian-feng-you 134 was derived from Tianfeng A group and restorer line R134. 摘要天丰优134是用天丰A与恢复系R134配组而成的杂交晚稻新组合。该组合具有米质优、产量高、抗倒伏和易制种等特点。
- Is the Female Sterility Present in indica- japonica Hybrid Rice? 水稻亚种间杂种是否存在雌性不育?
- Now Professor Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice. 现在袁教授正研制超级杂交水稻。
- Xing you No.1 passed hybrid rice reginal trail in Sichuan in 1997. 香优1号于1997年通过四川省优质杂交稻区域试验;
- two line late-season hybrid rice 两系杂交晚稻
- "You I458" is a new hybrid rice combination,which is bred by crossing between wild-abortive homeotypic cytoplasmic male sterile "You IA" and strong restoring line "R458". “优I458”是利用野败同型不育系“优IA”与本所育成的早稻强恢复系“R458”配制而成的杂交早稻新组合。
- Xu 29A,developed from the cross and backcross of V20A//(Digu B/Jin 23B) F3 by the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center,is a new early-season indica CMS line in rice. 旭29A是湖南杂交水稻研究中心用地谷B作母本与金23B杂交,F3代选优良株系与V20A测交并经多代回交转育而成的早籼稻不育系,2000年3月通过湖南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。
- Huayou 107 is a new three-line hybrid rice combination derived from the CMS line Y Huanong A (Yegongtype cytoplasm) and a newly-developed strong restorer line R107. 摘要华优107是由夜公细胞质型不育系Y华农A与新育成的恢复系R107配组而成的三系杂交稻新组合。
- Progress of study on molecular identification of hybrid rice variety. 杂交水稻品种纯度鉴定研究进展。
- Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Hybrid Rice Technology. 杂交水稻技术合作谅解备忘录。
- Breeding and utilization for two line hybrid Japonica rice restoring line R187 两系杂交粳稻恢复系R187的选育与利用
- Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出比以前多一倍的粮食。