- In this paper, we set up trapdoor one way functions using diophantine equations of k degree (2Xk) with more than two variables, using these functions a new public key cryptosy-stems can be set up. 运用多元k次(k是奇数)丢番图方程构造了一类陷门单向函数;用它们可以建立一种新的公开钥密码.
- The work must be finished in one way or another. 这件事必须设法做好。
- Two one way ticket to winchester tomorrow, please. 请买两张明天去温斯特的单程票。
- Two one way tickets to Winchester tomorrow, please. 请买两张明天去温斯特的单程票。
- The changes are an improvement in one way. 这些变从某种意义上说是一种进步。
- I do not give a damn for a man that can spell a word one way. 我对只会凭一种方式拼写的人一点儿也看不上眼。
- What the trapdoor one way functions reference[1] proposed was attacked by polynomials factoring algorithm over finite fields. The public key cryptosystem based on the trapdoor one way functions is therefore insecure. 本文利用有限域上多项式分解算法破译了文献(1)提出的一类陷门单向函数,从而证明建立在这种陷门单向函数上的公开钥密码体制是不安全的。
- That's one way of look at it, but we have other way too. 这是看问题的一种方式,但我们还有别的方式。
- Dave: How can we sell our watches with two variable prices? 可是,咱们咋了能给同样的手表卖两个价钱呢?
- Two one way tickets to Winchester tomorrow, please . 请买两张明天去温斯特的单程票。
- The one way to succeed is to work hard and live a healthy life. 成功的唯一途径是勤奋及过健康的生活。
- Function to read data from a file into two variables. 函数将数据从文件读入两个变量。
- There is just one way of saving him. 只有一个办法能救他。
- One way is taking the cell from a fertilized ovum. 一种方法是从受精卵中取出细胞。
- There are two variables and one constant in this equation. 这个等式中有两个变量和一个常量。
- We all face peer pressure one way or the other. 我们多少都会受到同伴这样或是那样的压力。
- And CAT did not care one way or the other. 而猫则对什么也不在乎。
- But I know of one way not to win one. 但我知道有一种方法是得不了奖的。
- He had only one way to face such sorrow. 但这桩婚姻打一开始就显得黯淡无望。
- How much is a one way ticket to Boston? 到波士顿的单程票多少?