- two sides across Taiwan Strait 海峡两岸
- Two Sides Across The Taiwan Strait 海峡两岸
- China Television (Taiwan): Given that Taiwan advocates a gradual exchange process between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits,can you optimistically predict the restoration of negotiations this spring or summer? 台湾中华电视台记者:您在江泽民主席推进两岸关系八项主张发表三周年座谈会上曾谈到,海基会和海协会应该扩大交往、接触。这种交往、接触是否要以两岸政治谈判的程序性安排为前提,再延伸到经济和事务性议题?在台湾方面主张两岸交往要循序渐进的情况下,您是否乐观地预期今年春夏之际两岸就能恢复谈判?
- China Television (Taiwan): Given that Taiwan advocates a gradual exchange process between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits, can you optimistically predict the restoration of negotiations this spring or summer? 台湾中华电视台记者:您在江泽民主席推进两岸关系八项主张发表三周年座谈会上曾谈到,海基会和海协会应该扩大交往、接触。这种交往、接触是否要以两岸政治谈判的程序性安排为前提,再延伸到经济和事务性议题?在台湾方面主张两岸交往要循序渐进的情况下,您是否乐观地预期今
- both sides across Taiwan straits 海峡两岸
- It will be conducive to opening constructive dialogue between the two sides (of the Taiwan Strait) on an equal basis. 这将有助两岸以平等地位展开公开和积极的对话。
- A half-century ban on direct links between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait was officially circumvented yesterday. 禁飞了半个世纪,两岸直航昨天正式解禁。
- Continuously increasing trade amount offers large potential demand for logistics cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. 从总量上看,不断增长的贸易额为两岸物流合作提供了巨大的潜在市场需求;
- Washington's "dual track" policies have counterbalanced each other in terms of their influences on building a peaceful relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. 此一“双轨政策”对两岸和平关系的构建,有着不同方向的影响,往往起了互相抵消的作用。
- Xiamen-Jinmen direct transportation across Taiwan Strait has presented new opportunity for tourism growth in both cities. 厦金直航为厦门与金门旅游业的发展提供了新的契机。
- When the communication that speaks of two sides of current taiwan strait, bush reiterates American government holds to policy of a China, emphasize this one footing won't be being changed. 布甚还示意注重不停增强美中经济贸易干系。
- The new copyright laws across Taiwan Strait both try to standardize the system of "Fair Use" in line with the TRIPS and "Berne Convention" and are fairly internationalized. 两岸新著作权法均注意与TRIPS协议和《伯尔尼公约》接轨,不断规范合理使用制度,均已有较高的国际化水平;
- relation between two sides of the Taiwan Strait 两岸关系
- The present division between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is a misfortune for the Chinese nation. 台湾海峡两岸目前的分离状态,是中华民族的不幸。
- Informal Remittance System across Taiwan Strait 闽台非正规汇款体系
- The exchanges between compatriots on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have been increasing. 香港、澳门胜利回归祖国,实现了全民族的夙愿。
- the economic zone across Taiwan Strait 海峡经济区
- So economic cooperation and trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits fall under the internal affairs of China. 海峡两岸的事情,包括经贸合作,都是中国的内部事务。
- After national reunification the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can pool their resources and make common cause in economic development and work towards China's resurgence. 中国实现统一后,两岸可互补互助,共同发展经济,振兴中华。