- two point linkage 两点县挂装置
- Play continues until a two point lead is achieved. 继续比赛直到领先2分时为止。
- A line segment that joins two points on a curve. 弦将两点用曲线连接起来的曲线段
- Their demands had narrowed down to only two points. 他们的要求已减少到只有两点。
- The line cuts the circle at two points. 一直线与圆相交於两点。
- A decrease in signal power as measured between two points. 信号能量在两点间测量出来的减小量。参阅signal。
- The landlord is asking two point five million Hong Kong dollars. 业主要求港币二百五十万元。
- Between them they have a fortune of two point two trillion dollars. 此次入围《富布斯》榜单的亿万富翁共有691人,资产总和达了2.;2万亿美元。
- The difference between two points in a system which differ in one respect. 一个系统中在某方面不同的二点之间的差异。
- Two of their toes point forward and two point backward. 他们的足趾中的二个指出向前的和二点向后的。
- Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points. 股票市场价格涨了两点。
- He disputed like a devil on these two points. 在这两点上,他争得非常激烈。
- Either of two points marking the end of a line segment. 端点标记一条线段两端的两点中的任何一点
- Now I should like to make two points clear. 有两条要讲一下。
- attachment to three point linkage 固定于三点悬挂装置上
- Just for the record, the minister's statement is wrong on two points. 必须明确指出,部长的言论有两点是错误的。
- Having two points or cusps, as the crescent moon. 有二尖端的有二尖端或尖头的,如月牙
- In this connection I want to make just two points. 人才问题,别的不说了,今天就讲两点。
- Our team knocked off another two points. 我们队又得了两分。
- If the score is twenty all,play continues until a two point lead is achieved. 如比分是20比20,比赛继续,直到领先2分。