- two frequency system 双频制
- A new two frequency laser alignment system is developed which consists of two Wollaston prisms with the same structure.One is for measurement;another for compensation. 介绍了一种新型自适应双频激光准直系统,该系统利用了两个完全对称的渥拉斯顿棱镜,一个作为测量元件,另一个作为补偿元件。
- The interval between any two frequencies having a ratio of2 to1. 倍频程频率比率为2比1的两个频率的间隔
- The AFG can be used to ramp booster?s energy for power supply system, and to control the radio frequency system as well. 该任意波形发生器不仅可以用在增强器磁铁电源的控制中,而且可以用于加速器的高频系统腔压的动态控制。
- The paper introduces the application of digital video frequency system,especially in transformer substation without a watcher. 文章介绍应用数字视频系统进行远程监控,实现变电站无人值守。
- The interval between any two frequencies having a ratio of 2 to 1. 倍频程频率比率为2比1的两个频率的间隔。
- The paper introduces the application of digital video frequency system, especially in transformer substation without a watcher. 摘要文章介绍应用数字视频系统进行远程监控,实现变电站无人值守。
- Abstract : The two frequency method for measurring corrosion reaction resistance based on a. c. impedance and numerical integration has been proposed. 摘要 : 提出了基于交流阻抗和数值积分原理的二点频率法。
- The very high frequency system placed transmitters in patrol cars to enable patrolmen to communicate with headquarters and other cars instead of just receiving calls. 的甚高频系统发射机放置在巡逻车,使巡警沟通 与总部和其他车辆,而不只是接听。
- In the paper,the authors analyzed polar motion data series recently released by IERS,and in combination with spectrum resolution,discussed two frequency of Chandler wobble. 分析了IERS新近公布的经统一归算的极移数据,结合频谱分析中分辨率的有关问题,进一步讨论了Chand ler摆动的双频现象。
- The method for generating the second signal is put forward based on the period rule of the phase difference for two frequency signals with the frequency difference. 摘要利用两个有一定频差的频率信号相位差变化的周期性规律提出了一种秒信号产生方法。
- An inspection of (4. 3-5) reveals that for a given K there are two frequencies. 由式(4.;3-5)可见;对于给定的K有两个频率。
- Vibrating-Wire-Sensors with measuring frequency system is mainly used to auto- atic and scout measurement for the engineering of water and electricity and other rock and dust engineering. 振弦式传感器测频系统主要用于水电工程和其它岩土工程的安全自动监测。
- Whole house was set beforehand surround stereo sound and video frequency system, still have the lighting system that a program changes, this is a when decorating a building afresh important facet. 整座房子预设了环绕立体声音响和视频音频系统,还有一套程序化的灯光系统,这是重新装修房子时的一个重要方面。
- In order to apply to the high frequency system, not only the complete design process of the housing of filter, but also the improvements and the measurement results are presented in this thesis. 另外为了高频系统的应用,在本论文亦设计滤波器的金属外壳封装,除了说明完整的设计的流程之外,并提出在组装过程中所改良的步骤及最后结果。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Inside the integrated circuit IC1, after suitable divisions, the two frequencies are sent to the phase comparator that generates the lock voltage of the secondary oscillator. 在综合电路IC1的内部,经过合适的划分,两个频率被送往相位比较仪,这两个频率产生二级振荡器的锁电压。
- REMEC INC. takes lead in the field of components and high frequency systems for data wireless communication. 瑞美无线通信技术(上海)有限公司将成为瑞美在全球的制造中心。
- Also, itsuggests the method with two frequencies and two parameters to measure the thickness of platinglayer thereby measuring the magnitudes of the plating layer. 提出了采用两频率两参数测量镀层厚度的方法,从而可以在线测出镀层厚度的大小。