- She gave the lid another twist and it came off. 她又拧了一下,盖儿开了。
- Garnish with a lemon twist and a maraschino cherry. 装饰与柠檬扭曲和maraschino樱桃。
- Truth is about expansion and contraction. 真相是关于扩充和收缩。
- They twist and twirl as if struggling against the breeze. 翻飞未肯下。
- That's why we needed some readjustment and contraction. 所以要调整一下,收缩一下。
- Liquids expand and contract as gases do. 液体和气体一样也膨胀和收缩。
- The leaves twisted and turned in the wind. 树叶被风吹得直打转。
- Make LOI and contract for potential candidates. 为有潜力员工制作合作意向书以及合同。
- They watch you twist and contort, struggling to free your self. 他们观看您扭转和歪曲, 奋斗释放您的自已。
- Downstream the river twists and turns a lot. 这条河的下游弯弯曲曲。
- Masochistic technique to twist and wedge the fingers into a crack. 一种有自虐倾向的爬岩技巧;将手指插入岩隙中;然后扭转手指.
- Audits of third parties and contract auditing. 第三方审计和合同审计。
- To expand and contract rhythmically;beat. 搏动,跳动,律动有节奏地扩张和收缩;搏动
- To expand and contract rhythmically; beat. 搏动,跳动,律动有节奏地扩张和收缩;搏动
- On their way forward, they are bound to run into twists and turns. 在前进的道路上,他们是一定会碰到曲折的。
- Gases expand on heating and contract on cooling. 气体加热时膨胀,冷却。
- Full of twists and turns; tortuous. 弯弯曲曲的; 迂回的充满弯曲和拐弯的; 曲折的
- Discuss the quotation and contract. 讨论方案、报价、合同。
- Besides, the warming of the fetal lamb, avoiding of uterine contraction, umbilical cord twist and bleeding during operation should be also emphasized. 表明胎羊保温、盘保护和防止术中出血及子宫收缩是实验成功的关键。
- Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. 如同液体和气体一样,固体也能膨胀和收缩。