- turnable operating platform 旋转工作台
- We have painted the operating platform with anticorrosive paint. 对车间钢结构操作平台涂刷防锈漆,做防锈处理。
- Unix has been the preferred operating platform,but Windows NT is becoming increasingly popular. Unix已是优选的操作平台,但Windows NT正在变得越来越流行。
- Besides, the simulated results above are first realized by Delphi program under Windows operating platform. 文中还采用Delphi语言首次实现了在Windows环境下对以上过程的数值模拟并编制了相应的软件界面。
- Unix has been the preferred operating platform, but Windows NT is becoming increasingly popular. Unix已是优选的操作平台,但Windows nt正在变得越来越流行。
- The virtual enterprise alliance body is a huge and open system with complexity in operating platform, corporate governance and resource conformity. 摘要虚拟企业联盟体是一个复杂开放的巨系统,表现为运行平台的复杂性、公司治理的复杂性和资源整合的复杂性。
- Win2000 Server+SQL Server+IIS 5.0 is chosen as the operating platform, C++ Builder 5.0 and Dreamweaver MX, the developing tools. 选择了C++ Builder 5.;0和Dreamweaver MX作为开发工具。
- The design is based on HTR 10 full digital I&C system that applying HS2000 as the operating platform and configuration platform. 该系统的设计,基于反应堆主控制室的全数字化仪控系统以HS2000系统为组态平台和运行控制平台,全部操作实现了软操化。
- The virtual enterprise alliance body is a huge and open system with complexity in operating platform,corporate governance and resource conformity. 虚拟企业联盟体是一个复杂开放的巨系统,表现为运行平台的复杂性、公司治理的复杂性和资源整合的复杂性。
- This software is designed on the operating platform of “DaYong Uygur Kazak Kirgiz” which utilizes the system of Windows 98.This software is developed by VB and Access. 本软件是以“大用”维哈柯视窗forWin dows 98系统为操作平台 ,以vb和Access为软件开发工具设计的。
- Finally, the diagnostic system is realized in BORLANDC+ +, using COMPAQ 486 with WINDOWS operating platform, and demonstrated bydiagnosing a circuit testbed. 最后在COM-PAQ486微机上,Windows环境下,用borlandC++实现了该诊断系统,并通过对一个电路系统实验台的诊断验证了方法的有效性。
- Finally,the diagnostic system is realized in BORLAND C++ using COMPAQ 486 withWINDOWS operating platform,and its validity is demonstrated by diagnosing a circuit testbed. 最后在COMPAQ486微机上、WINDOWS环境下,用BORLANDC++实现了该诊断系统,并通过对一个电路系统试验台的故障诊断验证了系统的有效性。
- In this paper, the establishment of 3D FEM-contact model is based on elastoplasticity FEM theory and contact FEM related theory on ANSYS operating platform. 本文以ANSYS为操作平台,以弹塑性有限元基本理论和接触问题有限元基本理论为基础,建立了重力坝三维有限元接触模型。
- The main equipments are as follows: spray system, extra-low-volume spray system, portable aerosolizer, portable sprayer, soup box, substance storage box, operating platform, etc. 主要配备:喷雾装置、超低容量喷雾装置、便携式烟雾机、便携式喷雾机、药液箱、储物箱、工作平台等。
- On the scaffolding operation platform stairs, safety way, entrance has overspread by wooden board, should set up handrail. 3操作层各步架上、安全通道、入口走道均满铺脚手板,设置安全扶手.
- Combining our social networking along with our customer to business based services that make up our operating platform we will now be able to provide a much larger environment for users to interact and transact online. 通过优化我们的消费者到商业的服务网络,现在我们将提供非常大的外部环境给会员们进行在线交涉和处理事务。
- Inner and outside of scaffolding, outside of operation platform should hung up of protection mesh. 2内外脚手架外侧操作层满挂密目网。
- Telecommand operation platform is empoldered for implementing telecommand operation mode by the space control center. 为了实现对航天器的透明控制,航天器控制中心开发设计了遥控操作平台。
- This system was developed based on Microsoft Windows operating platform , using Authorware and FZAS inventing tools, various image and animation creating softwares ,and muti-media making software. 本软件是以M i-crosoft、W indow s 为操作平台,利用Authorw are、FZAS等创作工具和多种图形、动画制作软件及多媒体制作软件来研制与开发的。
- This equipment includes paste machine, pre-mix boiler, gluewater boiler, powder material hopper, colloid pump and operation platform. 全套设备配有制膏机、混锅、水锅、料斗、体泵、作平台。