- The thief dived into an alley to escape from the police. 小偷潜入一条小巷躲避警察的追捕。
- The wanted man dived into an alley to escape from the police. 那个通缉犯潜进一条小巷躲避警察的追捕。
- She is attacked by two men who take her into an alley. 两个男人把她带到了一个小巷子后,对她实施了攻击。
- Why it could still turn into an epidemic. 为什么疯牛病仍是一种传染病?
- Warp!! Don't you turn into an insecticon!! 闹闹!不要变成机器昆虫啊!!
- I'm going to turn into an emo and kill myself. 我只知道,无仍什么不开兴的事,去跟你好朋友聊聊天,心情很快会好。
- I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant. 我屡次梦见自己变成了大象。
- I walked off until the guards were out of sight and slipped into an alley. 我走开了,直到保安们从视线里消失。我悄悄走上一条小路。
- turn into an alley 拐进一条胡同
- She had seen the fruit of victory turn into an apple of Sodom. 她亲眼看到胜利的果实变成一场空欢喜。
- An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. 阿尼马格斯是一个巫师,他可以选择变成某种动物.
- Another green-eyed woman, Mahin, aged 52, staggered into an alley clutching her face and in tears. 另一位红了眼的妇女,五十二岁的玛欣踉踉跄跄地走进一个胡同,捂着脸流着泪。
- Finally we allow it to turn into an action of disobedience to God's ways. 最终,我们让私欲付诸行动,不顺服神。
- You are turning into an internet addict, eh? 你快变成网虫了,对吗?
- She gradually turns into an old hag. 她逐渐变成一个丑老太婆。
- Chucky turned into an evil doll. 恰吉变成了一个邪恶的玩偶。
- A Lab that is bored and/or underexercised may turn into an excape artist par exellence. 经过良好训练的拉拉就会有出色的逃生技巧。
- The heroine was born into an alley, ended with tragic death in alley despite her transitory travel to the flashy world-flashiness was her past dream. 主人公是生于弄堂长于弄堂,即使到“繁华”里走了一遭,到头来还是归于弄堂死于弄堂-繁华只是旧梦。
- Has all the possibilities of turning into an all-night affair. 都有可能变成一场通宵活动。
- No matter how dry your skin gets, you will never turn into an alligator or any other type of reptile. 不论皮肤多么干燥,你永远不会变成美洲鳄或任何其他一种皮肤粗糙的爬行动物。