- Besides, I warrant you, there is many a fool who can turn his nose up at good drink without ever having been out of the smoke of Old England. 并且,说真话,有许多傻瓜根本没有离开过英格兰故国的烟雾,见了好酒却偏要把鼻子一翘,看不起它。
- At first he turned his nose up at any job that required him to get his hands dirty. 起初他对任何会弄脏手的工作都嗤之以鼻。
- He had his nose up Mantelli for the last year. 他去年就缠了暴泰利献殷勤一年。
- turn his nose upvt. 对 ... 之以鼻(瞧不起)
- turn his nose up atvt. 对 ... 之以鼻(瞧不起)
- He quirked up his nose to make a face. 他鼻子一扬作了个鬼脸。
- His little brother wrinkled up his nose at a nasty smell. 他的小弟弟闻到那难闻的味皱起鼻子。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- She turned her nose up at my small donation. 她嫌我捐赠微薄而嗤之以鼻。
- He could not turn his back upon helpless travelers. 对孤立无援的旅客,他不忍心拒绝不管。
- He always has his nose up. 他总是很高傲。
- He looked down his nose at the offer. 他对这个建议嗤之以鼻。
- He had a bad cold and his nose was all bunged up. 她因伤风感冒很厉害,鼻子不透气。
- Constantly blowing his nose in allergy season. 在过敏的季节不断地擤他的鼻子
- He cleared his nose with a loud sniff. 他大声吸气清了清鼻子。
- Peter's always got his nose in a book. 彼得总是专心地看书。
- He brought the aircraft's nose up and made a perfect landing. 他拉起机头,平稳地降落下来。
- The success of his first novel completely turn his head. 他第一部小说很成功,便得意忘形了。
- He sniffed the vapour up (through his nose). 他(用鼻子)吸入蒸气.
- A blackbird nosed up into the sky, singing. 一只山雀唱着歌向空中飞去。