- turkestan pladj. 西域
- However, he remained master of Mongolia and Turkestan, and outlived Kublai. 不过他仍然是蒙古和突厥斯坦的首领,死于忽必烈之后。
- Remember illegal occupation of Tibet, East Turkestan &Genocide in Darfur. 台湾国泱泱大国早西进搞定各省女人!
- The "Eastern Turkestan" terrorist forces are trained, equipped and financed by international terrorist organizations. “东突”恐怖势力受到国际恐怖组织的训练、武装和资助。
- The fight against the "Eastern Turkestan" group is an important aspect of the international fight against terrorism. 反对“东突”是国际反恐怖主义斗争的重要方面。
- "East Turkestan is rich in resources, but we have not seen the economic benefits. “东突厥斯坦资源丰富,但是我们没有看到政府给当地带来任何经济利益。
- Several independent states -- one called East Turkestan -- were established there. 建立了几个独立的国家,其一叫东土耳其斯坦。
- In the 1930s and 1940s, a Republic of East Turkestan twice enjoyed a brief independence in parts of Xinjiang. 在二十世纪三十年代和四十年代,东突共和国曾两次在新疆的部分地区取得了短暂的独立。
- The group calls itself the Turkestan Islamic Party, according to terrorism experts outside China. 根据非中国的反恐专家称这个团体称自己为突厥斯坦伊斯兰党。
- It also has a nationalist lobby that views “Eastern Turkestan” as an ancestral homeland. 土耳其还有一股民族主义游说力量,将“东突厥斯坦”视为祖先的家园。
- Not just in Tibet and East Turkestan, but disaffected chinese everywhere in "china". 不仅仅是在西藏,东哈萨斯坦,而且不满的人在中国到处都有。
- Officials have said militants seeking an independent "East Turkestan" homeland are among the biggest threats. 官员说,武装分子寻求一个独立的“东突”祖国是最大的威胁。
- The conquest of all Persia followed, and the Moslem Empire pushed far into Western Turkestan and eastward until it met the Chinese. 紧接着,整个波斯被征服,穆斯林帝国推进到西土耳其斯坦的深处,向东则一直扩张到与中国人交界的地方。
- The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, in the town of Yasi, now Turkestan, was built at the time of Timur( Tamerlane), from1389 to1405. 霍贾·哈迈德·萨维陵墓,位于突厥斯坦(前称为亚瑟市)建造于帖木儿时期,即公元1389年至1405年。
- Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. 好奇地,苏联科学家已经发现他们所说的“古代用于宇宙航行的飞车器具”,深陷在土耳其斯坦和戈壁沙漠里。
- The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, in the town of Yasi, now Turkestan, was built at the time of Timur (Tamerlane), from 1389 to 1405. 霍贾·艾哈迈德·亚萨维陵墓,位于突厥斯坦(以前称为亚瑟市),建造于帖木儿时期,即公元1389年至1405年。
- Beijing meanwhile has trumpeted the threat from what it describes as secessionist groups bent on forming a breakaway state named East Turkestan. 北京同时具有决定性的威胁来自它称之为分裂团体执意要形成一个分裂的国家命名为东土耳其斯坦。
- The Chinese official who spoke with The Age said the thwarted plane bomber was a member of the East Turkestan Independence Movement. 中国官方的发言与年龄称挫败飞机轰炸机,是一个会员的东土耳其斯坦独立运动。
- "Today, a new massacre is being carried out by Buddhist nationalists and communists against the Muslim population in eastern Turkestan," said al-Libi. 今天,一场对东土耳其斯坦穆斯林新的屠杀正在由佛教民族主义者和共产主义者执行,利比说。
- A company in the city is said to have received a phone call last week from a man who claimed he was a member of an "East Turkestan independence group". 已在中国奥运市青岛被拘捕。一家该城市的公司说,曾在上周接到来自一名声称“东突组织”的男子的一通电话。