- Natural grassland gramineous pasture and turf grass plant resources and utilisation in the Yili area 伊犁地区天然草地禾本科牧草和草坪草植物资源与利用
- turf grass planting 草坪建植
- Study on Turf Grass Leaf Blight of Bipolaris sorokiniana. 草坪草离蠕孢叶枯病的研究。
- Spatial Paterns of Yellow Rust of Turf Grass and Its Sampling Technique. 草坪草条锈病空间格局及抽样技术。
- Lake Bibo ripple, the shore lush trees, turf grass and flowers, scenic. 湖中碧波荡漾、岸边树木葱郁、草坪如茵、百花似锦、景色宜人。
- The result showed the transgenosis turf grass was obviously better than the compared one. 结果表明,转基因草坪草在抗旱性能上普遍优于对照株。
- On the contrary, the color was lighter.Therefore, mowing strongly affect on turf grass chlorophyll content which has obvious correlation with value of greenness grade. 修剪对草坪草叶绿素含量有较大的影响,同时也发现草坪草叶绿素含量与绿度评分量化分值有较好相关性。
- Studies on Salt Resistance of Five Kinds of Turf Grasses. 五种草坪草抗盐性研究。
- On this base, a new water managemat pattern of orchard on Weibei highland, “grass planting beween apple tree rows + wheat straw mulching on the region of apple tree roots”, was put forward. 在此基础上,提出了渭北旱地果园各种年型下“果树行间生草+树盘秸秆覆盖”的水分管理新模式。
- This interspecific bermudagrass hybrid grew well under the climate and soil conditions in Chongqing region after three-year’s observation.So it is a fine turf grass in Chongqing region. 经近3年的观察研究,证明种间杂交狗牙根在重庆地区的气候、土壤等自然条件下生长状况很好,是较为理想的草坪草。
- In case cultivated land,grassland or forest land is damaged due to mining,the mining enterprise concerned shall take measures to utilize the land affected,such as by reclamation,tree and grass planting,as appropriate to the local conditions. 耕地、草原、林地因采矿受到破坏的,矿山企业应当因地制宜地采取复垦利用、植树种草或者其他利用措施。
- The results showed that the best water management pattern of Fuji apple orchard was wheat straw mulching under low annual precipitation and grass planting under high annual precipitation. 结果表明,在干旱年份,红富士苹果园水分管理模式以秸秆覆盖方式最佳,在多雨年份,红富士苹果园水分管理模式以果园种植白三叶草方式最佳;
- A disease of turf grasses caused by a fungus of the genus Rhizoctonia and resulting in circular patches of dead leaves. 褐斑病:草的一种疾病,由“丝核菌属”的一种丝菌引起,可导致周围草皮成片地枯萎。
- Advances of Study on Transgenic Turf Grass 草坪草转基因研究进展
- Area of existing vegetation con't. seed to the soil surface where they may compete with the new native grass plantings. 现有植被种子不可落在土壤的表面,因为他们将会与新的天然牧草争夺养分。
- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
- But what strikes me as I sit among two million grass plants and several thousand juniper shrubs, is how similar life on Earth is. 但是坐拥这两百万棵草本植物以及数千棵杜松灌木林,给我最大冲击的却是想到地球上的生命何其相像。
- Gene Engineering on Plant Drought-resistance and use in the Turf Grass 植物抗旱基因及其在草坪草中的应用
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。