- The Loft Dance Lounge, recently opened Pauley's Original Crepe bar chair on East Clayton Street where the Roly Poly sandwich shop operated before. 生活在北京、广州、上海、深圳等竞争压力较大城市的都市人,大多处于一种亚健康状态。
- The Loft Dance Lounge, recently opened Pauley''s Original Crepe bar chair on East Clayton Street where the Roly Poly sandwich shop operated before. 我们全家都很高兴,非常感谢好尔公司给我们提供这样好的高科技产品,是我们糖尿病和心血管病人的福音。
- through the page which took them there., roly poly cow, xtlw, aim weemee, 114, lorens holm, =PP, 共有49727条留言;共9946页;每页5条;这是第403页留言.;上一页/下一页
- He was a tumbler when he was young. 他年轻时是杂技演员。
- I bought a roly?poly of the God of Longevity at that stall. 我在那个摊头买了个寿星不倒翁。
- To toss or whirl in a drum,tumbler,or tumbling box. 翻腾打滚在筒中、干燥机中或研磨滚筒中摇动或转动
- She ordered a tumbler of orange juice. 她点了一大杯橘子汁。
- Our tumbler, and of course, your choice of gin. 我们的摇酒杯,当然,还有你选择的杜松子酒。
- Whisky is usually drunk in a tumbler. 威士忌通常是装在平底无颈酒杯里喝的。
- Why could the tumbler not fall down? 不倒翁为什么不倒?
- Beijing Poly International Auction Co., Ltd. 北京保利国际拍卖有限公司。
- Hangzhou pacific poly textiles co., Ltd. 杭州太平洋保利纺织品有限公司。
- She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler. 她停下来呷了一口塑料杯里浮满泡沫的冰镇咖啡。
- Party member, cadre and the rich poli. 党员、干部与党的先富政策;
- Convert the cylinder to editable poly. 把圆柱体转化成可编辑多边形物体。
- Next week I must start my term paper for Poli Sci. 到下周,我必须着手写政治学的期末论文了。
- No permitamos q la poli boludee! 所在地: Hagamos las cosas bien.
- I went into BMT after poly and my ex GF was in NUS. (内容大意:我当兵的时候,前女友在国大念书;
- To toss or whirl in a drum, tumbler, or tumbling box. 翻腾打滚在筒中、干燥机中或研磨滚筒中摇动或转动
- Combine ingredients in a tumbler glass filled with ice. 在塔博杯中加入冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中即可。