- tubular lowpass filter 管状低通滤波器
- A novel DGS lowpass filter is used to purify IF signal. 中频引出通过新颖的DGS低通滤波器滤波后输出。
- Equation for stopband transmission zeros of such lowpass filter is derived from a new equivalent circuit model. 本文基于新的等效电路模型,推导出了此类低通滤波器的阻带传输零点位置。
- From this simple lowpass filter, the signal goes to the active tone control stage. 从这个简单的低通滤波器;信号到积极的基调控制阶段.
- A simple assembler routine fits a digital lowpass filter into a microcontroller. 一个简单的汇编程序适合于微处理器实现数字低通滤波器。
- An effective method to design a low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) multilayer lowpass filter (LPF) was presented. 给出带有衰减极点的层叠式LTCC低通滤波器的结构模型。
- Synchronous rectification produces a ripple frequency twice that of the excitation frequency and thus is easier to remove with a lowpass filter. 同步稳压产生两倍激励频率纹波频率,因此更容易被低通滤波器去除。
- By cascading lowpass filter using stepped impedance hairpin resonator, the stopband rejection of a bandpass filter can be significantly improved. 这种方法通过级联阶跃阻抗发夹线谐振器构成的椭圆函数低通滤波器于带通滤波器的输入/输出端,显著改善了后者的阻带抑制特性。
- Image enhancement in frequency domain using Fourier center frequency, Gaussian lowpass filter, Low pass filter, high pass filter. Image restoration using medean filter, weiner filter with noise genera (译):图像增强的频域利用傅里叶中心频率,高斯低通滤波器,低通滤波器,高通滤波器。
- Applying the LVDT's output to a synchronous rectifier followed by a lowpass filter produces a dc voltage that can feed an ADC or directly drive an analog feedback-control system. 将LVDT输出加在同步稳压器上,跟随一个低通滤波器,产生直流电压送至ADC或直接驱动模拟反馈控制系统。
- Preferably, lowpass filter, automatic-gain-control and power amplifier are often used in order to have a clean modulated signal within certain dynamic range. 最好是,为在一定动态范围内具有干净的调制信号,通常使用低通滤波器,自动增益控制和功率放大器。
- This article detailly explained lowpass filter’sdesign progress on actual engineering, needed theory knowledge and some software’s basal operateing course. 本论文较为详细的说明了,在实际的工程设计中,低通的设计过程,所需用到的理论知识,以及软件的一些基本的操作过程。
- A lowpass filter is disposed in the system, so that the eff-ect of vibration in cutting and cutting trace of the workpiece surface on measur-ing may be effectively eliminated. 系统配置了一个低通滤波器,可以有效地消除切削振动及工件表面刀痕对测量的影响。
- The lowpass filter in the CCD readout circuit inevitably results in information distortion of pixel crosstalk while improving the system signal-to-noise. 摘要CCD读出电路中低通滤波器在改善系统输出信噪比的同时,不可避免地会产生像素串扰,造成信息畸变。
- In this case, because the gain and input are at the same frequency content, a dc component, which a lowpass filter can easily detect, is present at the amplifier’s output. 像这样,因为增益和输入是同样频率,低通放大器容易探测到的直流器件,呈现放大器输出。
- The modified integrator eliminated the initial value and DC drift problems associated with the pure integrator, and achieved a better performance than lowpass filter. 该改进型积分器消除了纯积分器带来的初值不准确、直流偏移等问题,又可以获得比低通滤波器更优的性能。
- For example, signal conditioning for audio data from a microphone may involve nothing more than grounding the system properly and perhaps using a lowpass filter. 比如,从麦克风采集的音频信号调节可能涉及以上任何接地系统的正确与否以及是否使用低通滤波器。
- The following is a partial list of microstrip lowpass filters and their specifications that we have produced. 以下为生产过的微带低通滤波器部分产品规格。
- Another reason for knowing the frequency range of your signal is anti-aliasing filters (lowpass filters). 抗伪信号滤波器(低通滤波器)用于处理你知道频率的信号。
- By emulational and experimental analysis,compare the results with the lowpass filtering method. 通过仿真和实验分析,并将结果与传统的低通滤波方法进行比较。