- The rooler pressurizes and the copper back plate adjustment is controled by the flowing tubing head pressure ,as well as steel shaving knife adjustment,The machine can be used on the pperation board. 本机由油压控制辊筒加压、铜挡板的调节以及钢刮刀的调整,可在操作面板上控制使用。
- tubing head pressure [经] 油管的压力, 油压
- See Table B for nominal head pressure. 常规地柱头压参考表B。
- Taper type hanger and straight type hanger are available for tubing head. 油管挂的密封形式有非金属密封(图一)金属密封(图二)种形式。
- Supply pressure is greater than static head pressure. 供水压力大于落差压力。
- Set head pressure, split flow, and septum purge flow to appropriate levels. 设置相应的柱头压、分流比、隔垫吹扫。
- Equally effective in checking back flows from head pressure on the discharge or suction sides of pump. 无论是泵的排泄口的排出压力,还是泵的吸入口,其流体止回的效果都是相同的。
- The valve opens for tank discharge when tank head pressure is greater than valve inlet pressure. 当容器水头压力大于阀门进口压力时,阀门开启进行容器排放。
- Cassette tape: A plastic cartridge which contains 1/4 inch or narrower tape, takeup reels, and a read/record head pressure pad. 盒带:一个塑胶盒,装有1/4时或更窄的胶带,收带卷轴和写读头压力垫。
- Cassette tape: A plastic cartridge which contains 1/4 inch or narrower tape, takeup reels, and a read/ record head pressure pad. 盒带:一个塑胶盒,装有1/4时或更窄的胶带,收带卷轴和写读头压力垫。
- This can be translated to lower die head pressure or lower mechanical tear and wear or higher extrusion productivity (up to 21%) without compromising product quality. 这有助于降低口模压力 ,减少机械磨损或提高挤出生产率 (高达 2 1%25 )。
- Economizer (3): When the head pressure is near the relief setting, an economizer circuit preferentially directs gas from the vapor space to the gas use valve when it is open. 节热器(3):如果排出压力接近减压装置的设定值,当气体使用阀开启时,节热器回路优先把蒸气空间的气体导向气体使用阀。
- Hydraulic head pressure forecasting of water gushing for deep-lying Karst tunnel is of importance in engineering practice and the former evaluating methods is too rough. 摘要深埋隧道涌水最大水头压力的预测具有重要的实际意义。
- Oil feeds into the machine through this tubing. 油经过这个管子流入机器。
- Tube Head Aluminum Foil Sealing Machine 管头铝箔封口机
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- The rotation angle of tube head carriage 运载架组合件转动角度
- Tube head carriage movement range 运载架移动幅度
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。