- tuberculoid lepromin 结核样型麻风
- Histopathologically, these granulomas can be sarcoid-like, granuloma annulare-like, tuberculoid, and so on. 其组织病理学类型可为结节病样、环状肉芽肿样、结核样等。
- Two cases of lymphocytoma cutis are reported.The patients had a circumscribed papular or a tuberculoid lesion on skin without subjective symptoms. 报告2例皮肤淋巴细胞瘤,临床表现以边界清楚、单发、红色丘疹样或结节样皮损为特点,患者无自觉症状,皮损局部切除后,分别随访3年和8年,皮疹无复发。
- "The tuberculoid type, marked by spots having raised, reddish Borders and patches that spread and lose feeling, may not progress or may improve. 类结核型麻疯有显著的斑块隆起,边缘发红,斑点扩张并失去感觉,可能不会继续发展,或者会改善。
- Results We found that the swelling lymph nodes of 379 cases mainly included lymphadenitis,lymphoproliferative associated immune respond,tuberculoid lymphadenitis,lymph node metastatic cancer. 结果379例肿大淋巴结以淋巴结炎、反应性增生和淋巴结核及转移癌为主;穿刺细胞学诊断符合率达83.;3%25(316/379);难以诊断(18/379)占4
- In order to detect leprosy patients early, 192 residents and 106 leprosy household contacts with positive anti ND BSA antibodies in Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province were followed up with lepromin test and serologic test, for 2 years. 为了早期发现麻风患者,应用麻风菌素试验和血清抗体检测方法在云南省文山州分别监测192例和106例初次检测抗ND-BSA抗体阳性的自然人群和麻风患者家属发病情况,时间2年。
- Monitoring High Risk Group of Leprosy by Lepromin Test and Serologic Test 麻风菌素试验和血清抗体检测联合监测麻风高危人群
- borderline tuberculoid leprosy 偏结核样型界线类麻风
- lepromin test 麻风菌素试验
- tuberculoid borderline leprosy 偏结核样型界线类麻风
- tuberculoid granuloma 结核样肉芽肿
- lazarine lepromin 同Lucio lepromin麻风菌素
- tuberculoid lymphadenitis 类结核性淋巴结炎
- lepromatous lepromin 瘤型麻风
- tuberculoid myocarditis 巨细胞性心肌炎
- Lepromin A skin test 麻风菌素A皮肤试验
- tuberculoid nodule 结核样结节
- Lepromin armadillo skin test 南美犰狳麻风菌素皮肤试验
- tuberculoid papulonecrotica 丘疹坏死性结核疹
- Lepromin H skin test 麻风菌素H皮肤试验