- The little boy used to push out his lower lip. 那个小孩以前老要撅起下嘴唇。
- I am getting push out of the train. 我快被挤出(火)车外了。
- The trees are beginning to push out new shoots. 树开始长出嫩枝了。
- Almost all plants push out new shoots in spring. 几乎一切植物都在春季发芽抽枝。
- Let's push out,as the tide is now with us. 现在是顺水,让我们开船吧!
- To push out or protrude(the lips. 撅嘴伸出或撅起(嘴唇)
- To push out or protrude(the lips). 撅嘴伸出或撅起(嘴唇)
- They are going to push out new wings of the buildings. 他们将为这些房子加建侧屋。
- He was pushed out to make way for the director's son. 为了给厂长的儿子让位,他被解雇了。
- She arose and tried to push out into the aisle--anywhere. 她站起身来,想用力走到过道上--什么地方都行。
- To remove the bellows-assembly, push out two pins in the rear unhook the strut. 将风箱部分拆下来;需要将后面的两根针推出;从该部分上拿下来.
- He pushed out his lips in displeasure. 他不悦地撅起嘴唇。
- They took advantage of the situation to push out in other parts of the world. 他们利用这个局势,在世界其他地区向前推进。
- When a pollen grain germinates, a pollen tube pushes its way out through an aperture in the pollen grain wall,and the nuclei migrate into the tube. 生殖细胞核分裂,形成两个仅由细胞核和细胞质构成的精子,其中一个将与卵受精,另一个则与极核融合形成胚乳核。
- The snail is pushing out its horns. 蜗牛正在伸出它的触角。
- In which round was Saive pushed out of the game? 塞弗是在第几轮被淘汰的?
- The practised oar pushed out and the boat left the tank like an arrow. 老练的桨手篙一撑,船就似箭般离了岸。
- The article had expounded chamfer machining by cycle programming and sword programming setting out tool offset velative, and it has specified direction sens to practive. 对用循环编程和用刀补编程并设定刀补值实现挖槽加工进行了论述,对实际生产有一定的指导意义。
- He was pushed out of the room by his companions. 他被同伴们推出房间。
- She was pushed out of the room by her companions. 她被同伴们推出了房间。