- The air cooler is designed of nullity fin oval stainless steel bellows tube bank replacing conventional fin tube bank. 空气冷却器采用无翅片椭圆不锈钢波纹管管束替代传统的翅片管管束,是空气冷却器设计制造的技术革新。
- Fluctuating lift forces are measured for staggered tube bank under two phase cross flow by a strain gauge. 采用电阻应变仪和脉动升力测量装置;在气液两相流横向冲刷三排错列排列的管束时;对其受到的脉动升力做了试验研究.
- The experimental investigation for contamination factor of helically finned tube bank is carried out. 进行了螺旋翅片管束沾污特性的半工业性试验研究。
- Three types of detuning baffles have been inserted into the tube bank for prevention from acoustic vibration.The noise can be reduced remarkably. 还在管束中装入三种防止嗓声的隔板,取得了显著的效果。
- The spirally finned tube banks are widely used in general boilers and HRSG because of a series of advantages. 螺旋鳍片管束因具有一系列优点,在常规锅炉及余热锅炉中得到了广泛的应用。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- The reheater tube banks are arranged within the setting of the steam-generating unit in such relation to the gas flow that the steam is restored to a high temperature. 我们知道,只要暴涨很接近指数膨胀,在这个过程中不会有粒子产生,同样,如果弦的粒子谱如同过去人们一直以为的那样,也不会有弦产生。我一直对这个结果抱有怀疑态度。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。
- I must buy a tube of toothpaste. 我必须买一支牙膏。
- She paid the cash in to her bank account. 她把现款存入她的银行帐户。
- He was sent up the river for a bank robbery. 他因抢劫银行而被捕入狱。
- The bank gave him a loan and that did the business. 银行给他提供了一笔贷款,问题于是行到了解决。
- The bank plan a rescue operation for the company. 银行计划对这个公司采取挽救措施。
- The People's Bank made a timely loan to them. 人民银行及时给了他们贷款。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。